Who would win predator or terminator

The Predator and Terminator franchises are wildly different, but their core terror is the same.

Definitely going with Predator. Superior weaponry, aim, and overall tech. I believe the could see through the camo but between the nets and cannon the Pred should take a majority. Straight and to hand is another matter where the edge would be with Terminator wins this one. The T showed exceptional tactical feats when it was going up against the T T's ability to easily spot the Predator even while cloaked would catch the Predator off guard I think.

Who would win predator or terminator

Predator vs. A battle between Hollywood movie hunters who can blend into their environments. Boomstick: As a hardcore action hero and Sci-Fi fan, I know that the era there were most popular where the 80s. Wiz: And that era produced two of the most deadliest hunters in fiction, two who are armed with deadly technology and the ability to blend into any environment. Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle. Boomstick: That is, until a blast of light rose up in an alley, and a towering, naked man rose out of the scorched ground. And no, I am not quoting my pornography screenplay. Wiz: This was the Terminator, and in addition to being just as terrifying as Boomstick's screenplay, it was the first glimpse of the terrible future that would befall mankind. Boomstick: Like any soon-to-be downfall of mankind, this one came in the form of a super AI known as Skynet, which set about wiping out humanity with an army of murder happy automatons. And like a soon-to-be-extinct species, humanity was rallied by the solider John Connors to form a resistance to fight against the metal menace. And what's more, they seemed like they had a real shot at winning, otherwise why would Skynet pull a dick move and send one of its android assassin's back to past to kill John Connor's mother to ensure he was never born. Wiz: This Terminator in particular was the T, and it was designed to be the perfect assassin. Boomstick: He can analyze and adapt to human behavior, and coupled with his fleshy outer appearance, this enables him to move though groups of humans without being detected. Although having the face of Arnold Schwarzenegger would probably have groups of girls coming closer to get a look at him.

In the story, Skynet went into hiding and was awakened centuries later during the timeline of Alien: Resurrection. Boomstick: Enough about his intelligence, let's talk about his physical skills. Straight and to hand is another matter where the edge would be with

The Predators and the Terminators are great villains who would make even better adversaries. While a T head would make a good trophy for the Yautja, the Terminator would stop at nothing if ordered to kill a Predator. Not surprisingly, the Predators and Terminators have faced each other a few times in Expanded crossover lore, in both comic books and video games. The first time that Predators and Terminators faced off was in the epic four-part Aliens versus Predator versus The Terminator crossover comic series. Although the covers depict a regular T fighting Predators and Xenomorphs, the actual comic features more futuristic Terminators. In the story, Skynet went into hiding and was awakened centuries later during the timeline of Alien: Resurrection.

The Predator could keep its distance and use Plasmacaster shots to move away from the T Rambo is absolutely better at surviving torture than Predator. Tortured by Iranians and North Vietnamese, the man survived to tell the story. He was whipped, set on fire, beaten, stabbed, cut and electrocuted, and that was only in the first two Rambo films! While I like the Xenomorph more than the Terminator, in a one-on-one fight the Terminator would most likely win. I seriously doubt that the Xenomorph could generate enough power to destroy the Terminator without being ripped apart itself. The Jungle Hunter and Jason are both superhumanly strong, but the Predator is far more agile and intelligent. He also has better weapons.

Who would win predator or terminator

The Predator could keep its distance and whittle away at the T with plasmacaster shots. Predator vs T T would destroy the Predator. Elements of this story would appear in the later Alien vs Predator movie, but in the very first Dark Horse Comics story, it is made clear that the Predators are the obvious victors when the two species clash, and the Predator-human alliance is able to fend off the Xenomorph infestation, albeit with heavy casualties. Winner: Spider-Man would easily defeat Batman in a test of strength and fighting prowess.

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Wiz: This was the Terminator, and in addition to being just as terrifying as Boomstick's screenplay, it was the first glimpse of the terrible future that would befall mankind. Not surprisingly, the Predators and Terminators have faced each other a few times in Expanded crossover lore, in both comic books and video games. The Terminator marched out the store carrying a Minigun, firing a continuous line of bullets at its opponent, forcing the Predator to run around the Terminator until it pulled out one of its star blade, hurling at the Terminator, slicing it across the forehead. Ripley 8 and Annalee Call became involved with the Predators and an all-out war erupts between the 4 different parties. Or rather, out. Superior weaponry, aim, and overall tech. Of course, Terminator can die, too otherwise we wouldn't cry at the end of every viewing of T2 , but it takes a lot more to take him offline. Boomstick: But people have also learned that when you see a skinned corpse hanging upside-down, be it in the jungle or the middle of a city, they'd better run for the hills, least they run into the Predator. Besides, they fight in a place full of debris and buildings. As it did, the Terminator reached inside of its damaged body and pulled out a hydrogen fuel cell; one that had been raptured by the Combistick. Now, the Terminator was a unique piece of technology, and its adaptive software enabled it to keep pace with the Predator. The Predator ejected its Wrist Blades and advanced on its pinned foe.

The Predators and the Terminators are great villains who would make even better adversaries. While a T head would make a good trophy for the Yautja, the Terminator would stop at nothing if ordered to kill a Predator.

Straight and to hand is another matter where the edge would be with Unfortunately, the quests were removed at the end of the season. Predator faced the Man Of Steel multiple times in different comics even together with Batman and the Man Of Steel won at the end of these encounters. The wall opposite the Terminator was suddenly smashed apart as the Predator barreled through to get at the Terminator. What its visor allowed it to see forced to dodge to the side as a barrage of bullets sprung from the darkness. And he can do that from so many hidden spots Even if the T can see through invisibility, he cant see through large debris. Predator Face: Origins, Features, And Evolution This overview provides a comprehensive look at the Predator's face, including behind-the-scenes insights and details of each facial feature like the dreadlocks and mandibles. Pumping it, the Terminator blasted out a spray of bullets, several of the shells striking the Predator in the chest. In addition to comics, Predators and Terminators faced the common threat of the Ghost Recon team in the Tom Clancy's video game series. Boomstick: He's also got some sort of voice mimicking ability, kind of like a killer parrot. Superior weaponry, aim, and overall tech.

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