whos bobby beales mom

Whos bobby beales mom

NOTE: Please do not add content from the BBC iPlayer's early episodes until it has been aired on television, as it is intrusive to our audiobook torrents who whos bobby beales mom not have seen the episode on iPlayer. Repeated intentional offences of this rule could lead to a ban, Many thanks the EastEnders Wiki admin team, whos bobby beales mom. Bobby's main storyline is one of the shows biggest storylines, In Februaryit was revealed as part of the 30th anniversary celebrations that Bobby is his older sister Lucy's killer.

By Kate Dennett For Mailonline. EastEnders fans were left baffled during Tuesday's episode as Bobby Beale missed a huge clue hinting towards the return of Cindy Beale. Anna Knight Molly Rainford has been desperately trying to discover the real identity of her mother, known only as Rose, and even hired a private investigator. After viewers learned Rose is none other than Cindy Beale Michelle Collins , they have been awaiting her return, and residents in Albert Square seem to be getting close to the discovery. But fans were left completely baffled as Bobby Clay Milner Russell missed a massive hint about Rose's real identity as he helped Anna track down her missing mother.

Whos bobby beales mom

Bobby Beale is already a firm favourite with EastEnders fans but it can be hard keeping track of the Beale family tree. One person sure to be affected is Bobby Clay Milner Russell himself, having not seen Ian in over two years and then also having never met Cindy - the mother of Bobby's half-sister Lucy who he killed in Amidst all of this confusion, one might be unsure of Bobby's own family history, so it's a good thing that RadioTimes. We've got spoilers, gossip and exclusive interviews for you. By entering your details, you are agreeing to our terms and conditions and privacy policy. You can unsubscribe at any time. Having dealt with a tumultuous marriage to Cindy Williams and then a short-lived one to Mel Healy Tamzin Outhwaite , Ian seemed to settle down with sweet Laura. It would be Jane who would initially cover up Bobby's involvement in Lucy Beale's death. The pair had managed to survive Ian's difficult financial bankruptcy and subsequent mental health issues and came out of the ordeal stronger. The marriage faced issues, however, as Ian continued to be drawn to his former wife Mel and the pair kissed.

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EastEnders spoilers follow. EastEnders' Cindy Beale has returned to Walford this week — and her comeback has sparked some questions about her connection to Bobby Beale. Michelle Collins has reprised her role as Cindy , with a huge twist back in June unveiling her as George's missing wife 'Rose'. With Bobby growing close to newcomer Anna , who also happens to be Cindy's daughter, fans have been trying to work out the complicated dynamic of the Beales and the Knights. But if you're still a bit confused, here's everything you need to know:.

She first appeared on 17 February and became a regular on the programme until the character was killed off on 30 April Following her debut in the show's 15th anniversary special, Laura embarked on a relationship with local businessman Ian Beale Adam Woodyatt ; he originally hired her to care for his children, but they later got married in , after Laura helped Ian overcome his financial bankruptcy ordeal. Their marriage soon fell apart, however, after Laura had an off-screen one-night stand with next-door neighbour Garry Hobbs Ricky Groves , before giving birth to a baby named Bobby , whose father turned out to be Ian, despite her initial belief that Garry was the father due to Ian's vasectomy. Soon afterwards, Laura underwent dire financial straits after a feud with her sworn enemy, Janine Butcher Charlie Brooks. The follow-up to their last confrontation resulted Laura's death, when she fatally tripped down the stairs, in a departure that became listed as one of EastEnders ' best exits by Virgin Media.

Whos bobby beales mom

But what happened to his own mother? However, with so many ups and downs, heartbreaks and break ups in the Square and even within the Beale family, it's easy to lose track of who his parents are. The Beale clan is particularly vast itself with patriarch Ian Adam Woodyatt being the father of multiple children throughout and away from Walford. Many fans of the London-based program have sometimes fallen for the misconception that Cindy Beale Michelle Collins is Bobby's mother. Diehard fans of the long-running soap will remember that he was actually born during Ian's marriage with Laura Beale, making him Lucy and Peter's half-brother. The identity of his father also caused trouble as it was initially believed that Bobby was the son of Garry Hobbs because of Laura Beale's drunken fling with him. But when Bobby needed a blood transfusion, Garry was revealed to be part of the wrong blood group, leading everybody to the conclusion that he must actually be Ian's son. Sadly, Bobby's birth certificate pushed Garry to admit he couldn't be the baby daddy and, heartbroken, he handed Bobby over to Ian. Viewers will know that Bobby grew up with his siblings including adoptive brother Steven and was adopted by Ian's long-suffering wife Jane , until he was convicted for the murder of his year-old half-sister Lucy.

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Freddie then leaves Walford. In November, Jane returns to report that Bobby has gone missing. Phil demands of Jane where she got the objects, and as he threatens her, Bobby brandishes a golf club and threatens Phil. British career gangster taunts police from Africa after fleeing UK by private jet and hitching 2,mile When Francis decided to concentrate on his schooling, the character was recast again, with Rory Stroud in the role. She soon has a one-night stand with Freddie, and Bobby is unaware of this until Ian humiliates them by exposing their affair in front of Bobby. A contender, in other words, for the biggest wedding. Jane catches Bobby trying to swap the rooms back in secret and a physical scuffle ensues, which results in Bobby deliberately pushing Jane down the stairs. Present; regular. Realizing that Ian needs time to grieve, Jane decides to leave Walford with Bobby. Sign in. Cindy later redeems herself and respectfully sits with Bobby and agrees to move on with him, they have a laugh and then are thrilled to see Peter wake up. In , Bobby found a girl on Foxcatcher , Dana Monroe , who later became his girlfriend.

But a lot has changed since viewers last saw Bobby leave Albert Square. The character is no longer played by Eliot Carrington and instead by new young actor Clay Milner Russell.

Soon after returning, Bobby now Rory Stroud takes a romantic interest in Tiffany. Thanks to a visit from Janine's father and her ex-husband Frank Butcher Mike Reid , Pat later relented and gave Janine her alibi and she was acquitted of Laura's murder. Jane catches Bobby trying to swap the rooms back in secret and a physical scuffle ensues, which results in Bobby deliberately pushing Jane down the stairs. He flicks the wrong switch and the cafe explodes, Bobby is knocked unconscious and all of Walford is instantly alerted. I'm going upstairs to check on Bobby. Bobby understands that his dad is upset and tells him that he is here for him, but Ian snaps and tells Bobby that he will never be Lucy. Stacey thanks Bobby for looking after Freddie, and he says he needs a friend right now and puts the kettle on for him. Laura becomes pregnant and Ian reveals he can't be the father and throws her out after tricking her into signing her business assets back to him. However, after hearing Kathy and Jane talking later, Bobby accidentally reveals to Kathy that he pushed Jane down the stairs, leaving Kathy shocked at his violent streak. Laura Beale was portrayed by Hannah Waterman and met a tragic fate in April, Jane explains how Bobby said he was coming to see him and she put Bobby on a train that morning. This means there is no biological relationship between Anna and Bobby should they become a couple, although the situation is still a bit messy just ask Peter. He is kept in a youth detention centre until a preliminary hearing in Crown Court the following week.

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