why do i feel unaccomplished

Why do i feel unaccomplished

We want what we want, when we want it — which basically means right freaking now. And at the end of the day, hard work always, always pays off.

You feel lost not because you are but because you continue to look at others and where they are and compare it to you. As if letting yourself be happy is wrong. Take those moments of defeat and try to find the lesson in them. You are hungry not physically. But mentally and emotionally you want something more than what you have but something is holding you back from achieving it. You want to change anything in your life you have to first accept what you have right now and value it. Finding your passion, something you are proud of, something that makes you want to wake up in the morning.

Why do i feel unaccomplished

Find answers to some of the more frequently asked questions on the Forums. Our guidelines keep the Forums a safe place for people to share and learn information. Instead I have 18k in debt, due to living off my credit card because I earn such awful money at my crappy job, the job which adds to my depression and turns me into a horrible person that not even I can stand, let alone those around me. I have to stick it out becuase despite my efforts I can't seem to gain other employment. Its caused me to lose hope, my dreams and goals have faded away, and that teenager I once was who everyone thought would go so far and make something special of herself is long gone. I'm in this hole I can't get myself out of, I can barely even get out of bed. I can't honestly remember the last time anyone ever said they were proud of me. I've become a horrible person who pushes everyone away and lashes out at those who love me. Because I'm just so embarrassed and ashamed of my life. All my friends are getting married and having babies and in great careers, and I have none of that. I'm no further along in life than I was in highschool. It is very common at your age to be in debt and a low paying job. I was, too.

I'm 22 now, and I'm still at university, in my second year of a psychology degree. We can use our unaccomplished feelings as fuel for deepening our self awareness and discovering our values.

Feeling unaccomplished can be an unavoidable thing. I love the idea of embracing things and leveraging their energy rather than trying to suppress something or avoid it. The simple act of trying to not feel negative reminds you that you feel negative about that something. This is only what works for me. This is my experience, and I hope it can help you too.

Posted August 31, Reviewed by Jessica Schrader. Today's guest post is by psychotherapist Josh Dodes, LCSW, about a subject he has studied in depth, one that is very relevant for people suffering with addictions, as well as many others. For many, the question above may seem strange. After all, who could possibly be unhappy about achieving? The problem is that, for some people, achievement leaves them feeling empty to the core. It can make them depressed, anxious , even angry. They rarely understand why. They may not even realize their unhappiness is related to their achievements in the first place. Often, all they know is that they feel exhausted and deeply unfulfilled, feelings that are hard to square with the success they have achieved. These people may feel empty because of what their achievements mean to them.

Why do i feel unaccomplished

Posted June 7, Reviewed by Gary Drevitch. Have you ever struggled to feel good about yourself? Do you question whether you're competent enough? You may be dealing with feelings of inadequacy. These feelings generally have nothing to do with our actual performance or abilities. In fact, these feelings may have a lot more to do with low self-esteem or low self-confidence than any objective measure of ability or competence. The American Psychological Association defines an inadequacy complex more commonly known as an inferiority complex as a feeling of inadequacy or insecurity coming from actual or imagined physical or psychological deficiencies. Keep in mind that we all feel these emotions to some extent. Some of us just feel more inadequate than others Heidbreder,

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As if letting yourself be happy is wrong. I lost a few years of my life to mental illness, so I am not as far ahead in life as I could be, but I don't mind anymore. Remember that only the hardest battles are given to the strongest soldiers. I feel quite unaccomplished. I compared myself to others, which made me feel miserable. This is your biggest mistake. We can use our unaccomplished feelings as fuel for deepening our self awareness and discovering our values. As if they were a friend helping me discover something important. There is a reason why you live, while others exist. This can make the problem grow as our attention grows. Instead I have 18k in debt, due to living off my credit card because I earn such awful money at my crappy job, the job which adds to my depression and turns me into a horrible person that not even I can stand, let alone those around me. I suppose I could give up on my song-a-day challenge and cut back my new blog posts to just 1 or 2 per month.

We want what we want, when we want it — which basically means right freaking now.

The rough parts and the overcoming scenes turn flat or uninspired scripts into epic tales worth sharing. That item. Thanks heaps for responding, I just really needed somewhere to vent I guess, and you've all made me feel so welcome. I lost a few years of my life to mental illness, so I am not as far ahead in life as I could be, but I don't mind anymore. Adopting this persona is a great way to flip the script on feeling unaccomplished. I have to stick it out becuase despite my efforts I can't seem to gain other employment. So while you are busy watching the steps they take, they are moving forward and making the strides you are jealous of or too scared to. I know I've messed up big time. And you are settling because you are afraid. The simple act of trying to not feel negative reminds you that you feel negative about that something. Find answers to some of the more frequently asked questions on the Forums. Kind regards, John. So here are some reasons why feeling unaccomplished can actually be a good thing:. I'm no further along in life than I was in highschool.

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