

There are two conflicting sources for this article: Mace Windu in the Encyclopedia content now obsolete ; backup link and Star Wars Jedi Pocket Expert. Windu has not windu a cohesive timeline regarding this subject, windu. Editor discretion is advised. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished.

Windu es interpretado por el actor Samuel L. El poder del Vaapad era simple: era un canal por el cual la oscuridad interna se reflejaba. Mace, junto con Luminara Unduli, destruyeron los emplazamientos militares Geonosianos que bloquean el camino a la arena en su TX S tanque de combate. Finalmente, los Jedi fueron superados por los droides de batalla separatistas, pero el Maestro Yoda y los soldados clon los rescataron. Pero tras la retirada de los separatistas, Depa no regresa. Los llevaron a una colonia Twi'lek sobreviviente, en el interior de esta, y de forma muy amable, compartieron su comida con el Jedi y los clones, a cambio de poder hablar con el senador Taa.


Leave it to Star Wars fans to find details in places some might argue are better off unsearched. One observant viewer spotted a detail in Revenge of the Sith 's Mace Windu death scene that will likely leave many with uncomfortable mental images. Star Wars is a franchise where no element is safe from intense scrutiny by fans. The topics range wide and weird, whether it's regarding character deaths or the crucial intel on exactly what kind of cereal Syril was eating on Andor. But while the death of Samuel L. Jackson's Jedi Master Mace Windu in Episode III: Revenge of the Sith remains a hot topic of debate among the dedicated masses, one fan has decided to focus on a part of the scene that doesn't involve whether or not he really died. However, given this new info, maybe he wishes he had. Reddit user RogerRoger on the Star Wars subreddit seemingly felt like it was a day worth ruining and posted a screenshot from Revenge of the Sith showing a rather unfortunate moment during Mace's final moments. As Emperor Palpatine Ian McDiarmid fires his dark side electricity at Mace, the bolts can be seen hitting the Jedi directly in the mouth. Anyone who's ever felt a shock from a frayed wire or particularly spicy shag carpet knows full well how unappealing the sensation is. So, the idea of it being focused directly on the chompers likely caused a legion of fans to clench up. The original poster commented on the reality of the situation, adding that "the poor man died with no dignity. Others were more tongue-in-cheek with their responses, bringing up the classic "Mace Windu died? Did YOU see the body? But one thing was widely agreed: that must have hurt.

Tutorials Editing sandbox Things to do Status article nominations Featured article nominations Good article nominations Comprehensive article nominations. Windu battles a mercenary droid hired by General Grievous, and one of the Jedi windu on Windu after becoming disillusioned with the Order's involvement in war, windu.

A medida que la guerra llegaba a su fin, las sospechas de Windu acerca de las intenciones del Canciller fueron aumentando, sobretodo debido al control casi dictatorial de Palpatine sobre el Senado. Sin embargo, Myr intervino ordenando a Windu que bajase su sable de luz. Luego, Windu y los Padawans desaparecidos escaparon. Finalmente, Argyus y Ventress liberaron a Gunray y huyeron en una nave robada. Kit Fisto y su antiguo padawan, el Caballero Jedi Nahdar Vebb fueron enviados a realizar un seguimiento de la nave hasta Vassek. Como castigo por sus acciones, Tano fue asiganda como guardia de los Archivos Jedi con el fin de pasar un tiempo lejos del campo de batalla.

The actual character, however, is no less badass. Aside from serving as a leading member of the Jedi Council, Mace Windu pioneered and mastered a dangerous form of lightsaber combat , becoming one of the most powerful fighters in Jedi history. His race, the Korunnai, was a tribe of Force-sensitive humans being studied by the Jedi. After Windu lost his parents at a young age, he was adopted and trained by the Jedi Order. Windu's talent and strength in the Force earned him the title of Jedi Master and a seat on the Jedi Council by the very young age of If Yoda was the brain of the Jedi Council, Windu was its sword. His skills were unparalleled; perhaps the only two who could beat him were Count Dooku and Yoda himself. He was also skilled as a diplomat, serving as the Jedi Council's liaison with the Supreme Chancellor. Although he easily defeated the bounty hunter Jango Fett, the Jedi were grossly outnumbered until Yoda arrived with the Clone Army. Windu had the rare ability to perceive shatter points -- fault lines in time and space.


Not only was Windu one of the most powerful Jedi of his time, but he was also the most devoted to his cause. He spent much of his life battling his darker emotions, and he might have had more in common with Anakin Skywalker than he cared to acknowledge. Controlling what Windu considered to be his negative emotions were a challenge for the Jedi Master into adulthood. Nothing upset Windu more than a fellow Jedi betraying their ideals. This was because, more than almost any other Jedi, Windu was devoted to maintaining the way of the Jedi. This was way before Anakin Skywalker sent Windu sailing out of a senate office window like an electrified hacky sack. Early in the Clone Wars, Windu was sent to investigate a planet called Hissrich. Dibs was concerned about the role the Jedi played in the Clone Wars.

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I'm fairly confident I can get you back up there. Windu devoted his life to the Jedi Order, but struggled in his youth to temper his emotions. Ver historial Comentarios 1. Later in the war, the Jedi Council received a holorecording of the Devaron massacre. Retrieved September 4, Having learned that Katri's seat on the High Council would be offered to Windu, Dooku grew suspicious of his friend. Windu nonetheless recommended that the Council maintain a watchful eye on the Senate, [7] having never trusted the highly corrupt government in the first place. Somos guardianes de la paz, no soldados. Using the distraction they created, he tried to escape from the temple but was pursued by Windu. During the Imperial Era , the people of Ryloth still remembered his exploits and heroic deeds in the Battle of Lessu, and ultimately immortalized his name along with Cham Syndulla's through songs dedicated to their victory. Depa Billaba. Although the Jedi Master proposed to seek an alternative solution, the bomb's use was authorized by Palpatine and Urus.

There are two conflicting sources for this article: Mace Windu in the Encyclopedia content now obsolete ; backup link and Star Wars Jedi Pocket Expert.

Mace Windu. The Malastarian doge was adamant that the creature which he regarded as a "dangerous bloodthirsty monster" should be destroyed—a plan which Palpatine supported in order to ensure the Dugs' cooperation with the Republic's needs for Malastare's fuel. Upon investigating the area where Katri died, the Jedi concluded that the evidence did not support the Raxians' account. Despite the possibility of permanently damaging Bane's mind in the process, the Jedi felt that he had given them no other recourse except to force his compliance for the sake of the Order's future. Windu ordered them to use the plants as cover as they headed towards the nearest droid outpost. Concerned by the Separatist activity on Hissrich, Windu investigated the planet with the help of a Jedi covert team. During a mission on Hissrich, Windu's faith was further tested by his interactions with the Jedi Prosset Dibs, who harbored his own reservations about the Order's part in the conflict. Following the victory, Windu commended Rex, Clone Force 99 and Echo for their efforts during the battle, but Echo and the commandos left before the Republic's medal ceremony. As such, they declined Jinn's request to have him trained in the Jedi arts. Jackson's Jedi Master Mace Windu in Episode III: Revenge of the Sith remains a hot topic of debate among the dedicated masses, one fan has decided to focus on a part of the scene that doesn't involve whether or not he really died. He had grave doubts about Skywalker's appointment to the High Council at the insistence of Chancellor Palpatine, [89] and believed it was too dangerous to have Skywalker spy on Palpatine.

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