young severus snape

Young severus snape

Severus getting a prep cook job in Cokeworth one summer and picking up solid mf knife skills. Like those culinary school chopping videos. Just fast asf precise knife work and handling.

Log in No account? Create an account. Remember me. QR code. Harry meeting and falling in love with young Snape has always been one of my favorite kinks - this idea has been featured in quite a few time-travel fics but, much to my disappointment, also quite frequently abused.

Young severus snape

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Benedict Clarke Actor. Contact info Agent info Resume. Add to list. View contact info at IMDbPro. Known for:. Murder in Provence. Yann Falquero.

Thus, she notified the Potions Master, Severus Snape, and then they notified Jacob's sibling and their examination result was that the Petrified student had some texture, the same as the Merpeople Trident that he found in the Buried Vault. Snape's continued bitterness toward the Marauders, even into adulthood, young severus snape, became apparent in when Remus Lupin was given the position of Defence Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts despite Snape young severus snape Dumbledore both knowing that he was a werewolf. It is implied that Severus was friendless and uncared for by his parents.

As such, spoilers will be present within the article. His double life played an extremely important role in both of the Wizarding Wars against Voldemort. He met Lily and Petunia Evans when he was nine. He fell deeply in love with Lily upon their meeting and became a close friend of hers. Severus started at Hogwarts with Lily in , where he was sorted into Slytherin House. This put him in the same year as Lily but unfortunately for him she was sorted into Gryffindor House. Severus became the immediate enemy of James Potter and Sirius Black and was a frequent victim of their bullying.

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In. Remember Me. Work Search: tip: words A time-travel fix-it centered around Severus Snape from before Hogwarts to after. A potions accident sends a discontent and bitter Severus Snape back in time to his childhood years before Hogwarts.

Young severus snape

Entertainment Weekly recently tracked down the Instagram of Benedict Clarke, the actor who portrayed young Snape in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 , and you need to see it now if you haven't already. Benedict, now 19, had a small but iconic role in the Potter films, playing an adolescent Snape in a Pensieve flashback that revealed the Potions professor's true motivations throughout the series: a lifelong love of Harry's mom, Lily. While Benedict's portrayal of Snape was gawky, nervous and shy, he seems to have grown into a funny, confident, and adventurous person.

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Both grew up wearing secondhand clothes however, Snape was likely forced to wear them due to his family's poverty while Harry's relatives simply refused to afford any major expenses on him. Karkaroff consequently fled when the Dark Lord returned, but Snape, who remained in the Dark Lord's good favour with the information he could provide on Dumbledore, had nothing to fear from him in the term of retribution. Armed with your knowledge of advanced unlocking spells, you managed to bypass the locked door with meticulous precision, and your invisibility cloak concealed your presence. Even though he and Remus have both lost parts of their memory and can't remember meeting before, Sirius has a gut feelings that they know each other. On the last day of school, he revealed to his students that Lupin was a werewolf, forcing Lupin to resign his post. In July Dumbledore had been afflicted by a powerful curse cast on Marvolo Gaunt's ring , one of Voldemort's Horcruxes , prior to the start of Harry's sixth year at Hogwarts. Years after Snape's death, one of Petunia's great-nephews would be named after Snape. Snape, following up on his promise to Dumbledore to keep the students safe, subtly undermined the violent, sadistic attempts of the Carrows to keep control by doing things such as sending students to help Hagrid as punishments rather than the Carrows' more dangerous alternatives. Jacob's sibling became to suspect Madam Rakepick, therefore they accosted Snape, in one of the Potions study sessions, and asked him about the new Curse-Breaker. Hilarious icon BTW At the same time, Harry Potter became a student in Snape's classes, and the two of them detested each other almost immediately. This year at Hogwarts was also as dangerous as the other years, or perhaps more so. Rather, he saw it as being more of a self-serving act in order to avoid him and the rest of the Marauders being expelled from Hogwarts, and the incident only made him resent James more than ever. It is revealed that Sirius once played a joke on Snape, telling him that he could find out where Lupin was going every month if he climbed into the Whomping Willow.

Today has officially been sponsored by child actors who grew up to be incredibly handsome young men. Earlier this afternoon, we drew your attention to Adam Zolotini: the actor who played Louis Durante in the film Jack.

Learn more. And that leads to something else he didn't know was possible. Young Severus Snape. Slughorn remarked on the humble appearance of the cauldron, speculating that it was a nod to Snape's humble backgrounds and his belief that social class was irrelevant in the classroom. Ironically, the two shared many similarities that neither of them was aware of. This did not come across well to the other teachers, who believed that he was just trying to injure the Gryffindor Quidditch team 's chances of winning. They thought of Jacob's sibling distracting Snape while Penny tried to make the fairy co-operate, while Snape believed she was looking for her favourite quill that her mother had given her. On January 9th, pm UTC , milady22 replied :. Now it's her turn to help him. Only to Rise Higher by swtalmnd Snape's life as a student takes a turn he hadn't expected when the Boy Who Lived comes to Hogwarts in Snape's fourth year. Snape frequently taunted Sirius about the latter not being able to take an active role in the Order's missions due to his fugitive status. He was also a profound misanthrope who appeared to have a prominent hatred of almost every child under his tutelage, except of course for Slytherins. Rubeus Hagrid asked Jacob's sibling to move fairies to another place, so it happens to be a quest for them to save the fairies' wings.

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