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R 86 min Crime, Drama, Thriller. The Cobras, a vicious street gang, rule an embattled high school with their violent brand of terror. But they're headed for a showdown when an ex-gang-member-gone-good challenges their brutal reign. Votes:

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Agry and its namesake clan is deadset against the strong, silent Texan—and that only becomes more violent when he hops in to defend Juan De La Vega Manuel Rojasa Mexican man taking revenge on a young drunk Agry for raping his sister.


England in den 80er Jahren. Claire Kubiks Welt steht Kopf. Mienenarbeiter Tyler muss bei Ausgrabungen im Weltall wie gewohnt die Drecksarbeiten machen. Dann entdeckt er eine Scherbe, bei der es sich um den vermissten Loc-Nar handeln soll, und ihm erwacht ein unstillbarer Appetit auf Macht und eine alles verzehrende Sehnsucht nach Unsterblichkeit. Ein grausamer Tyrann ist geboren! Dumm nur, dass er vergisst, deren Schwester zu beseitigen. Auf einer Insel werden zu Forschungszwecken mutierte Saurier gehalten. Drahtzieher sind die Bewohner des Planeten Kilaak. Mit dabei sind Bruce Willis und Dave Bautista.

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A young man falls in love with a beautiful blonde. Passed 93 min Drama, Mystery, Romance. Each promises the prize role to The most exciting word problem you can imagine, where the two trains leaving the station collide in an explosive snarl of steel, your onboard loved ones saved only by quick thinking and teamwork. Sorry We Missed You operates on a micro-level with contrastingly astronomical stakes. R 90 min Action, Crime, Drama. What interests and excites her? Approved 97 min Biography, Crime, Drama. This film also just entered the public domain on Jan. PG 91 min Drama. She could actually murder this guy. Scientists become trapped on a shrinking island with intelligent, murderous giant crabs. A mysterious stranger named "Ben Zachary" shows up claiming to be able to save the day.


Director: Edwin L. Our destruction of the world, filling its oceans with plastic and its air with pollution, allowed this to happen. Each promises the prize role to Approved 72 min Crime, Drama, Film-Noir. The classic comic-book characters created by John L. Duane Jones more than makes up for that as the heroic Ben, however, in a story that is very self-sufficient and provincial—just one small group of people in a house, with no real thought to the wider world. However, he discovers that she is an English What interests and excites her? Lost in Alaska 76 min Adventure, Comedy 6. Passed min Drama. They have no contingency plan. Scientists become trapped on a shrinking island with intelligent, murderous giant crabs. This streak of humor keeps the repetitive plot remember, they are constantly getting thrown into jail alive, and its sense of duty in the face of greedy little bullies is invigorating.

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