zosan nsfw

Zosan nsfw

This story started with a request from punkclowngutz found HERE.

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In. Remember Me. Zoro asks Sanji for something during sex. Sanji isn't sure if he's joking until he starts pleading, and who is he to deny the idiot swordsman if he's stooped that low?

Zosan nsfw


Some were empty others unopened. He really tried hard to think again about the women present in his life, but deep inside… nothing could compare to the zosan nsfw and jumble of emotions that the swordsman provoked in him, zosan nsfw. Zoro doesn't sound riled up, instead he glances from his hyper-focus on Sanji's dick to the blonde's face.


While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In. Remember Me. Work Search: tip: austen words sort:title. Caught in the turbulent aftermath of an unexpected ambush, Zoro clings to an unconventional healing method and inadvertently descends into an addiction with unyielding claws. Amidst the chaos, Sanji steps into the fray, offering a remedy that not only blurs the boundaries of their rivalry but sparks a tantalizing dance between pain and desire. It's still raining Why is it still raining? I did what I was supposed to

Zosan nsfw

After splitting up for the day, both Zoro and Sanji start to feel off-balance. When Zoro makes his way thru town looking for his partner, he discovers Sanji is missing. Will he be able to find him? Or is it too late for the cook? I started work on this game almost immediately after finishing Night Tide ; and as such, this game is it's sequel in the concept of "being in sync". The two games aren't necessarily sequels in terms of story and relationship, but are most definitely sequential in terms of ideas and concepts.

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This is not the position for Sanji to join him in a nap. Feeling Sanji's breathing caused a rush of heat all over his body and in his pants. The muscles in Zoro's face tightened. Sanji carefully messaged the area, reveling in how zoros ass jiggled with every thrust of sanjis hips, it was almost enough to make him cum. His nakamas could catch them, it wasn't something Zoro really cared about, but had the blond lost control or was it something else? Sanji pulled his fingers out of zoros hole, running his thumb over the sensitive area. It just keeps amping up. The blonde is so focused on those sounds, on the wet heat and sometimes sharp teeth in the green oaf's mouth that he misses the echo of steps beneath them. Goosebumps decorate his legs anywhere that Zoro isn't pressed against. Finally, the ship was quiet. He surprises the swordsman who had dropped his weights when Sanji had appeared in the room. But he doesn't, he can't. Go check it out here!!! Removing his finger from zoros mouth sanji eased them into zoros ass. He sucked marks onto the other man, licking and biting his way to zoros right nipple.


This makes me think you must have the filthiest fucking mouth in the Grand Line. Moaning at how exposed zoro was like this, blushing and flustered. Whimpers escaped zoros mouth and sanji groaned, the sound reverberating through zoro. Zoros head flew back and hit the table as his own moans vibrated through him. Get an Invitation. Of course, he's not going to make it easy on him. Any teasing gone from the Cook's tone and is replaced with an intensity that always leaves Zoro breathless. Full collection of Daddy Kink stuff, because frankly I want to and it's not all going to behave and be drabbles, apparently. They remained in silence for a few moments before everyone looked to zoro. Taking him all the way, making him gag.

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