americans season 1 episode 8

Americans season 1 episode 8

Thrilling, Golden Globe-winning Cold War spy drama. To their neighbours, the Jennings are a typical American family. But their outwardly ordinary life is a result of meticulous training - by the KGB. Grannie shocks Elizabeth with the truth about what happened between Philip and Irina.

The title for The Americans really said it all this week, didn't it? There is a secret war going on that no one wants to become full-fledged combat, regarding both the U. That being said, the Jennings' marriage one of the strangest yet most honestly portrayed ones on TV went to some dark, sad places this week whereas the rest of us got a history lesson. This week, the show did a good job of having the characters ask some pretty straight-forward questions about why the U. Hit the jump for why we just have to "act like nothing happened. This week's spy-centric story was one of the best so far, because it was one of the twistier and most comprehensive plots we've gotten that has real repercussions for our main characters.

Americans season 1 episode 8

Things you buy through our links may earn Vox Media a commission. Claudia, a. I also think that the KGB totally set this up as a test for Philip to see what he would do and where his loyalties lie. Does he love Elizabeth? I think his love for her is for the sake of the kids now. The trouble is now that he has lied to her about what happened with Irina and we can all foreshadow that this will come out eventually. We have to assume the KGB knows everything, right? Pretty much every word of this turned out to be spot-on. Caught in an untruth, he fesses up; Elizabeth is quietly furious, and the doting wife disappears, replaced by the icy professional we always see when Elizabeth is out on jobs. Priorities, priorities. We had an arrangement, and it worked. A divorce would be painful to watch, yet the aftermath could be fascinating. The Americans makes me miss being married. Which, given how much pain it depicts, is a pretty amazing achievement.

The Americans. We were never married.

Do not read on if you haven't watched episode eight — and please do not post spoilers if you've seen further in the series. Vicky Frost's episode seven blog. It feels rather like we're stuck in a mid-season rut here. Elizabeth and Philip blowing hot and cold non-stop, and sent off on missions that barely connect, the main story arch inching forward too slowly for my liking. Like the on-screen momentum, I fear I'm starting to flag. This week's mission, seemingly plucked out of thin air, involves Elisabeth and Philip stopping a KGB-employed assassin doing any assassinating after the Centre decide that killing a bunch of important American scientists on home turf is perhaps not such a good idea after all. Having tracked down Mr Assassin via his explosive dealer — and terrifying, gun-toting child — the Jennings cleverly manouvre their "6ft4, little chubby, friendly guy" into the bathroom, which he is soon decorating with his own internal organs.

Since the series began, The Americans has been seeking an answer to the question of Philip and Elizabeth Jennings' marriage, and just how, after nearly two decades, it stood up to the importance of the Cause and the commands issued to those recruited into Directorate S. Briefly, it seemed as though matters of the heart — whether they were related to family or the love of an adopted country — would eventually win out over their commitment to the Cause. Philip and Elizabeth's cozy union was threatening to become all too real and, with the emotional significance of nascent hitchhikers Paige and Henry thrown in for good measure, the total package that is the Jennings' domestic bliss just might be something worth defecting over. After a few days apart, it appeared that Elizabeth had finally come around after years of preferring the company of Gregory to that of her fake husband, and she was now ready to give Philip her all. Much of that likely had to do with Philip being away in New York doing all sorts of sordid things with Irina. But when pressed about it, Philip assured Elizabeth he only had eyes for her. His statement was convincing enough that by the time 'Mutually Assured Destruction' gets underway, the Jenningses are cuddling playfully in the kitchen when, months ago, such a movement by Philip would have been met with the flash of a knife blade and a hardened glance suggesting the term "wife" was little more than a four-letter word. But successful domestic partnerships mean little to those running Directorate S — not when the U.

Americans season 1 episode 8

Grannie shocks Elizabeth with the truth of what happened between Phili Nina Krilova : What do you want with us? One day, with Arkady and the others at the Rezidentura? Do you want to put them in jail?

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Philip and Elizabeth have attempted multiple reboots: first under the glowering gaze of General Zhukov and then, 15 years later, under the watchful eyes of a slowly growing television audience. Technical specs Edit. If Philip or Elizabeth goes down — and not in the usual, information-pumping way — the other is doomed as well. Ruben Hollander. Caught in an untruth, he fesses up; Elizabeth is quietly furious, and the doting wife disappears, replaced by the icy professional we always see when Elizabeth is out on jobs. Do catch up with Rubicon if you haven't already. Is her Arkady promotion a double bluff? Though not a bad episode, it definitely has a sense of marking time for the first time this season. If the disguise fools him at some point I'm assuming that Stan will introduce them. Philip and Elizabeth return home.

Grannie shocks Elizabeth with the truth of what happened between Phili

Timeline of Historical Events. Actually, everything last night was spinning around in similar circles. The assassin has found one of the scientists, surveils his safe house and makes notes on when the FBI changes their protective details. Vlad Ryan Farrell See more gaps ». Keidrich Sellati Henry Jennings. Connect with Google Connect with Facebook. At home, Philip and Elizabeth examine the documents from Martha. If she bargains, what has she got to work with? But is it all a set-up?

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