Amor y basketball online español latino

Monica and Quincy love and play basketball together through many life challenges from childhood to adulthood. Monica : I'll play you.

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Amor y basketball online español latino

They're trained in creating high-quality parenting advice based on best practices in child development. Read more about how we rate and review. This movie has strong sexuality for a PG, including descriptions of some sexually aggressive women, a strip…. Monica faces sexist behavior and attitudes from those closest to her as she proves basketball is just as important to her as it is to male players. Quincy's dad is an abandoning, philandering father figure and Quincy works hard throughout the film not to turn out like him. As a female basketball player, Monica faces sexism and double standards both on and off the court, but proves herself a champion through determination, love for the game. For all his faults, Quincy's father encourages Quincy to choose graduating from college over turning pro before graduating. Quincy refuses to be like his philandering basketball star father. Did you know you can flag iffy content? Fairly explicit sexual references and situations. Quincy's father is unfaithful; women fall all over Quincy and explicitly ask to sleep with him. As high schoolers, Quincy and Monica have sex -- a condom is prominent in that scene.

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Monica and Quincy love and play basketball together through many life challenges from childhood to adulthood. Monica : I'll play you. Quincy : For what? Monica : Your heart. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Play trailer Drama Romance Sport. Director Gina Prince-Bythewood.

Amor y basketball online español latino

A la ex gran promesa Joe Hampton le cuesta dominar sus emociones mientras intenta reconstruir su vida. Los Huskies enfrentan a un adversario tenaz. Damani se lleva un susto con su salud. Mientras East LA cae en la tabla, Mosley introduce cambios. Tras algunos contratiempos, el entrenador Mosley insta a un cambio de actitud de parte de los jugadores. East LA se luce en la cancha ante jugadores de prestigio en la tribuna, pero las eliminatorias se acercan, y la intensidad crece. Un momento de esparcimiento profundiza los lazos en el equipo antes de las regionales y un juego decisivo.

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More to explore. Alfre Woodard Camille Wright. Stay through the credits to see a sweet shot at the end. The two stay together for a while and attend the same college but they separate while in college Quincy goes through a difficult time with his father. Please enable browser cookies to use this feature. You need to be logged in to do that. James DuMont Reporter. This movie has strong sexuality for a PG, including descriptions of some sexually aggressive women, a strip basketball game, and a scene of Monica and Quincy having sex that has no nudity but is fairly explicit -- and includes the obvious use of a condom. Canyoning day in Rioverde aventuraextrema Kids say 5 :.

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If you're into the romance enough, you'll probably be forgiving as the pair face some standard-issue family conflicts and the old dating double standard: Quincy always seems to have a girl on his arm when Monica isn't around, and Monica stays true throughout the movie. Shar Jackson Felicia. Gabrielle Union Shawnee. Login Upload your video Search. Play trailer Some scuffles, parent slaps adult child. Send report. I put Sanaa with a basketball coach for two months and Niesha with an acting coach. If you stop following this series you will no longer receive notifications when new videos are uploaded. Growing up they attend the same middle school and high school. See detailed box office info on IMDbPro. Research shows a connection between kids' healthy self-esteem and positive portrayals in media. This movie has strong sexuality for a PG, including descriptions of some sexually aggressive women, a strip…. A game of strip basketball in a dorm room shows underwear only. See more gaps Learn more about contributing.

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