apollo graphql

Apollo graphql

GraphQL has the potential to create incredible developer experiences, thanks to its strongly typed schema and query language.

The GraphOS platform enables backend teams to build a self-service, self-documenting graph that can power any number of applications. Eliminate accumulated technical debt from backends-for-frontends or experience APIs. A GraphQL platform provides a secure source of truth for the data that powers your business. Backend teams contribute to a unified and composable platform instead of building one-off backends-for-frontends or experience APIs. By introducing composability, your teams only have to define core entities and business logic once.

Apollo graphql

Because GraphQL is a communication pattern, there are many tools to help you get started working which support GraphQL in all sorts of languages. Depending on your deployment target, you may need to use an additional library. See the documentation for further details. Mercurius is a flexible and extendible GraphQL adapter for Fastify, a blazing-fast web framework with the least overhead and a powerful plugin architecture. An extensible GraphQL server with modules for caching, request parsing, debugging, subscriptions and more The example below installs and initializes the GraphQLBox server with a persisted cache and debugging enabled. A highly customizable and versatile GraphQL client with which you add on features like normalized caching as you grow. It's built to be highly customisable and versatile so you can take it from getting started with your first GraphQL project all the way to building complex apps and experimenting with GraphQL clients. See how to use Relay in your own project. Also a dead-simple universal javascript GraphQL client. GraphQL client for TypeScript, automatically infers the type of the returned data according to the strongly typed query request. An extensible GraphQL client with modules for react, caching, request parsing, web workers, websockets and more The example below installs and initializes the GraphQLBox client with a persisted cache and debugging enabled. An all purpose GraphQL client with view layer integrations for multiple frameworks in just 1. SpectaQL is a Node.

SpectaQL is a Node.

Here are a few links to get you started:. Check out quickstarts, conceptual guides, and API reference for every piece of software we build. Dive into GraphQL with our interactive, step-by-step courses. Reinforce your learning with videos, code challenges, and certifications. TypeScript Built for Express, Connect, Hapi, Koa, and more. This repo is for issues, feature requests, and preview docs.

This tutorial assumes that you are familiar with the command line and JavaScript and have installed a recent Node. Additionally, for those interested, this tutorial includes an optional section describing how to set up Apollo Server with TypeScript. This getting started guide sets up a project using ES Modules, which simplifies our examples and allows us to use top-level await. Your project directory now contains a package. Applications that run Apollo Server require two top-level dependencies:. Follow the instructions below to set up with either TypeScript or JavaScript:.

Apollo graphql

Managing data in modern applications is challenging. Most applications require:. By adopting GraphQL and Apollo, you can reduce these challenges considerably. GraphQL's declarative model helps you create a consistent, predictable API you can use across all your clients. As you add, remove, and migrate backend data stores, that API doesn't change from the client's perspective. Even with many other advantages, GraphQL's single greatest benefit is the developer experience it provides. It's straightforward to add new types and fields to your API, and similarly straightforward for your clients to begin using those fields. This helps you design, develop, and deploy features quickly. Combined with Apollo open-source libraries, complex considerations like caching, data normalization , and optimistic UI rendering become straightforward as well.

Culito apretado

Dgraph Cloud is a fully managed GraphQL backend service that lets you iterate faster, without worrying about your infrastructure. Once you have a config set up and a schema published, install the Apollo GraphQL extension by using this link or by searching Apollo in the VS Code extension marketplace. We're working on enhancements for performance including caching, data-loader, complexity-limits, etc. Async-graphql is a high-performance server-side library that supports all GraphQL specifications. To turn on tracing for your GraphQL server, please visit our guide. A repo to test subgraph libraries compatibility with the Apollo Federation Specification. Reload to refresh your session. See graphql-kotlin docs for additial details. UseRouting ;. This is helpful when confirming the project is setup properly. Backend teams contribute to a unified and composable platform instead of building one-off backends-for-frontends or experience APIs. GraphQLSchema ;. To get started with WunderGraph, you can use create-wundergraph-app to bootstrap a new project: npx create - wundergraph - app my - project - E nextjs - swr. It also reuses these assets for running compliance and non-regression tests against your API implementation.

Apollo GraphOS is the platform for building, managing, and scaling a supergraph : a unified network of your organization's microservices and their data sources —all composed into a single distributed API.

It is currently in beta release but is a complete implementation of a GraphQL server apart from subscriptions. GraphQL Modules lets you separate your backend implementation to small, reusable, easy-to-implement and easy-to-test pieces. Built for Express, Connect, Hapi, Koa, and more. A Python 3. Note that you can write your app in any programming language; the tool will communicate with it over HTTP. A GraphQL implementation with easy schema building, live queries, and batching. After the key is found, add the following line to the. Includes some opt-in extensions which are out of scope of official specs: Printer - Schema printing for GraPHPinator typesystem. RuntimeWiring ;. Skip to content. Formerly super-graph. See how to use Relay in your own project. A cloud service that helps you build, validate, monitor and secure your organizations data graph. Powerful and GraphQL friendly caching support.

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