april boy regino

April boy regino

He always wore a baseball cap in public as a trademark. As ofRegino has sold overalbums in the Philippines.

Older brother April Boy Regino was also a member upon the group's formation in He appeared on their first album before leaving to become a solo artist in In a interview with Jessica Soho , he explained that the brothers competed amongst themselves which led to a falling out, but they later reconciled. In , they released the album Ganyan Talaga Ang In , the duo was they released the album of Labs Kita was the same title song under Prime Music. In , the duo was they last album of Oo at Hindi under Synergy Music Corporation, the duo they are disbanded and they moved to the United States, while April Boy Regino also migrated there a year later. In , the original three-member boy band reunited for the last time after 25 years for live concerts in San Diego , California on March 14 and in Las Vegas , Nevada on March

April boy regino

Connect your Spotify account to your Last. Connect to Spotify. He always wore a baseball cap in public as a trademark. Regino returned to the Philippines in , and together with his brothers Vingo and Jimmy, formed the musical group April Boys. Their debut song, "Sana'y Laging Magkapiling", became widely popular. However, in , Regino left the group to pursue a solo career. In a interview with Jessica Soho, he explained that the brothers competed among themselves which led to sulking, but they later reconciled. His first solo album, Umiiyak ang Puso, was released in under Ivory Music and sold , units triple platinum. He migrated to the United States and was based there as an entertainer to the Filipino-American community. More recently, he was a contract recording artist with Viva Records.

Toggle limited content width. Regino returned to the Philippines inand together with his brothers Vingo and Jimmy, formed the musical group April Boys.


Sign in to listen to groundbreaking journalism. This is AI generated summarization, which may have errors. For context, always refer to the full article. He was So this is how it feels to lose a brother. The singer always wore baseball caps, both in performances and in daily life.

April boy regino

April Boy Regino is the Filipino singer who died on November 29 at the age of He is survived by his wife, Madel. Regino was first diagnosed with the disease in In , Regino said that he had become blind in his left eye following a diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy. If there is something to be changed in this world,then it can only happen through music. According to Billboard Magazine, Regino sold , units of his album The Heart Is Crying in in his homeland going triple platinum. Regino gave his final interview in January Regino said that he would miss performing for his fans but his health was his priority. Despite his apparent retirement, Regino released a new album in He stopped eating and refused all conventional treatments.

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GMA News. Regino returned to the Philippines in , and together with his brothers Vingo and Jimmy, formed the musical group April Boys. Feel free to contribute! Pinoy pop novelty. Asia Pacific Quarterly. Kapuso Mo, Jessica Soho. Contents move to sidebar hide. Dennis Magloyuan Regino was born on April 9, , in Marikina. In after a year off, Regino returned to music with his brand new album and a new music company, GMA Music. Read Edit View history. As a child, he helped his parents sell snacks rice cakes , banana cue and camote cue , and customers would often ask him to sing. Upgrade Now. Regino died at a. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. However, in , Regino left the group to pursue a solo career.

He was known as the Jukebox King of the Philippines. Regino migrated to the United States after his career in the Philippines. He tried to make a music comeback in

Read Edit View history. Regino returned to the Philippines in , and together with his brothers Vingo and Jimmy, formed the musical group April Boys. In after a year off, Regino returned to music with his brand new album and a new music company, GMA Music. Asia Pacific Quarterly. Regino died at a. Philippine Star. Filipino boy band. Kapuso Mo, Jessica Soho. April Boy Regino. At age 10, he began joining amateur singing contests for the prize money. Archived from the original on November 30, In , the duo was they released the album of Labs Kita was the same title song under Prime Music. Regino died at a. Connect your Spotify account to your Last. In a interview with Jessica Soho , he explained that the brothers competed among themselves which led to sulking, but they later reconciled.

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