the last gunslinger dvd

The last gunslinger dvd

Forbes, C. The last gunslinger.

Forbes, C. The last gunslinger. ITN Sales, Inc.. Christopher, Forbes et al.. The Last Gunslinger. ITN Sales, Inc. Forbes, Christopher,, et al.

The last gunslinger dvd


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His wife, Victoria, gets Smythe to promise not to burn down the home her husband has just built for his family. Holley spends 10 years tracking down the Union soldiers responsible. His trail finally leads to Restless Hills, N. The North Carolina government sends two men to Restless Hills to stop the gambling operation. And the federal government sends two agents to arrest Smythe for war crimes. We have overweight cowboys, fake beards, a cast filled with actors who might not be able to hold their own in community theater and some characters who are introduced and disappear with no reason at all.

The last gunslinger dvd

In the second saloon of Valentine you will meet a writer named Calloway. Calloway will ask you if you want to track down a group of Gunslingers. Accepting this quest will start The Noblest of Men, and a Woman. What you need to do to complete this quest is to photograph each gunslinger and then kill them. To help you complete this quest use our Gunslingers guide below.

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Loading titles in this series Feature films. Adams, William, actor. Loading Description More Details. Look for. Also in this Series. Available from another library. Feature films. Library Home Page. Revenge -- West U. Forbes, Christopher,, et al. McCarver, Cody, actor.

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Citation formats are based on standards as of August Place Hold. Anat, Jezibell, actor. McCarver, Cody, actor. Also in this Series. Forbes, Christopher, film director. Similar Titles From NoveList. Loading Table Of Contents Where is it? Forbes, C. Where is it? Average Rating. Table of Contents. Forbes, Christopher,, et al.

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