Bad art friend

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If you use the Internet more than occasionally, you have probably spent recent days locked feverishly in the discourse that the piece has inspired. In , Dorland decided to donate her kidney the gift was nondirected, so it had no specified recipient and created a private Facebook group to update well-wishers on her progress. A year or so after that, Dorland was taken aback to learn, from a third party, that Larson had written a short story about a kidney donation. Dorland claimed plagiarism; Larson made revisions. The ensuing drama, replete with lawsuits and subpoenaed group-text messages, is a fascinatingly tangled version of an old story about the ethics of artistic appropriation.

Bad art friend

Connecting decision makers to a dynamic network of information, people and ideas, Bloomberg quickly and accurately delivers business and financial information, news and insight around the world. Dorland donated a kidney to a stranger in and posted a letter she wrote to the recipient in a private Facebook group. The case is Larson v. Perry , D. To contact the reporter on this story: Holly Barker in Washington at hbarker bloombergindustry. To contact the editor responsible for this story: Rob Tricchinelli at rtricchinelli bloombergindustry. Log in to keep reading or access research tools. Bloomberg Connecting decision makers to a dynamic network of information, people and ideas, Bloomberg quickly and accurately delivers business and financial information, news and insight around the world. We use cookies. Learn More Accept. Bloomberg Law. IP Law.

New Statesman.

Kolker's version appears to be chronological, but he withholds crucial information until the third act. As a result, the internet has spent days debating who the titular B. Because I have a big project due this week, I spent those days in a procrastinatory frenzy, reading as many Dorland v. Larson legal documents as I could get my hands on. From my perspective, telling the story in linear time makes it far easier to take sides. Sonya and Dawn met in either or , depending on which pdf you believe.

When stories, moments, and ideas even memes go viral on the internet, a good question is to ask why? Some tug at our heartstrings like Charlie bit my finger, others are just silly like Bernie Sanders in big mittens, but a few rise in the digital ranks because they make us argue. We pick sides and then we pick fights for and against people we don't know. That was the case this week regarding two women who met in Boston over a decade ago. Dorland and Larson were both regulars at GrubStreet, a non-profit writing center known for literary workshops and events.

Bad art friend

Did I have any thoughts on the matter, they ask. The Times piece is long, but many issues are at stake: friendship, ethics, race, representation, artistic source material, white privilege, copyright, social media, and so on. We Are, Too. At the crux of the conflict are two writers, Dawn Dorland and Sonya Larson. Dorland thought Larson was a friend. Dorland had donated a kidney to a stranger, and Larson wrote a fictional story that used a kidney donation as a plot point, without mentioning it to Dorland, or acknowledging her as source material. She has since revised the wording and adjusted the language though.

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Larson also implied that what fascinated her about Dorland, what made Dorland irresistible as a character, was the way she exploited her kidney donation for personal gain. If you use the Internet more than occasionally, you have probably spent recent days locked feverishly in the discourse that the piece has inspired. It may not display this or other websites correctly. October 29, In the end, they canceled the festival and destroyed every copy of the anthology. Landy Member. We are grateful to all of you who voiced your concerns and shared your own experiences, and we thank you for the many messages of support we have received. The original lawsuits have become numbingly boring meta-lawsuits about whose counsel said what and which plaintiff owes discovery evidence to the other. Updated at p. Larson, who grew up in Minnesota with a white father and a Chinese-American mother, has published both fiction and non-fiction, winning some awards. And, bafflingly, without bothering to change the text she lifted from Dawn's letter. Dawn's donation was a jumping off point, but it was only the seed of a story that had grown in a different direction. Sonya's fictional letter said "I found a profound sense of purpose, knowing that your life depended on my gift. Identifying the Bad Art Friend is Easy michaelhobbes.

If you use the Internet more than occasionally, you have probably spent recent days locked feverishly in the discourse that the piece has inspired.

The Dorland-like character in "The Kindest"—which Larson has said was only partly modeled on Dorland—is portrayed as an entitled egotist with a white savior complex whose altruism contains hidden motives. MadLaughter Avenger. He excuses himself and goes for a bike ride. The private group was where she posted information about medical complications and more intimate dispatches — one of which was the text of the letter she sent to the end recipient of her "kidney chain. The story then follows the various legal battles that ensued over the next few years, with Dorland adamant that Larson is guilty of copyright infringement and plagiarism, while Larson accused the fellow writer of harassment, defamation, "tortious interference with business and contractual relations", and of trying to take credit for the story. Good for you for doing so, but seriously, the level she went to in seeking attention for her deed was just over the top. However, the other side should have asked to use the letter in her story. Hopefully it did save a life at least. I enjoy gossip stories with extremely low stakes where everybody involved is annoying so this was kind of a perfect diversion for me. Given the size of the group and Dawn's expectations, it's understandable that she would notice that one of the friends she invited into her confidence had viewed all of her posts but hadn't responded or checked in on her. Also, the prose is bad.

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