blair sportsmans club

Blair sportsmans club

Verbal claims from some of our original founding members have it that area sportsmen had loosely associated as early as When they had decided to incorporate, forty-six local sportsmen approached the Court of Common Pleas of Blair County, all signing the original Charter, blair sportsmans club. We reorganized in

We have over acres of ground with shooting ranges from 5 to yards. All shooters are required to have their membership card or a form of ID to check-in to shoot. Below are updates newest on top. More details here! Wednesdays starting at 6PM: Pistol League. An event like no other. Trad Days is a mix with traditional muzzle loader and traditional archery.

Blair sportsmans club

The Southeastern Arizona Sportsman's Club was established in and is a C3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the conservation of wildlife, habitat, and our natural resources. Wilson Spring Unit 27 2. Cedar Mountain Unit 31 3. Guthrie Peak Unit 28 4. Little Horseshoe Unit 28 5. Gobbler Peak Unit 27 6. Dry Prong 2 Unit 28 7. Bear Sign Unit 28 8. Dark Canyon Unit 31 9. Peters Trick Tank Unit 27 East Engineer Springs Unit

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This is our largest and most used range. It provides over 40 shooting positions, ranging in distance of 25 yards to 75 yards. Our second most popular range. The pistol portion has two targets at each of the 5, 7 and 10 yard distances. Used for self defense practice. Shot guns are allowed only on the designated targets labelled Shot Gun!

Blair sportsmans club

Meet at the Pavilion on the beach side of the lake. Bring soup, chili or anything else you feel like. There is electricity at the pavilion but I can't guarantee it will be on, so we will have multiple camp stoves and charcoal going on the grill.

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A special meeting on 14 0CT 53 was held where it was announced that we had the winning bid, and our Real Estate Committee had recently purchased this tract. An event like no other. Little Horseshoe Unit 28 5. Maine circus train wreck. Loading Comments Subscribe to our emails. It is with heavy hearts that we share the solemn news of the passing of our beloved board member, Bob Dougal, on January 13th. Like Loading Below are updates newest on top. Subscribe Subscribed. When they had decided to incorporate, forty-six local sportsmen approached the Court of Common Pleas of Blair County, all signing the original Charter. Report abuse.

Skip to content. The Blair County Game, Fish and Forestry Association is a conservation organization who strives to provide for and protect the wildlife and forest. We encourage and teach responsible use of the land, as well as good sportsmanship.

By using this site, you agree to its use of cookies. Loading Comments Work began immediately. Wednesdays starting at 6PM: Pistol League. It is with heavy hearts that we share the solemn news of the passing of our beloved board member, Bob Dougal, on January 13th. Cedar Mountain Unit 31 3. Share this: Twitter Facebook. Page details. Guthrie Peak Unit 28 4. Below is a link to contact your state representative. Reach out and urge them to vote NO on these bills.

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