Bluethumb art gallery photos

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Bluethumb has grown from humble beginnings to now represent over 20, incredible Australian artists. We offer the largest range of Australian modern art for sale, and have sold over , original artworks - and counting! Read More About Us. Browse by Style e. Our intuitive browsing experience makes it fast, fun and easy to find your next favourite artwork. Since , we've invested in building technology that works for artists.

Bluethumb art gallery photos


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Freddy Grant. New to Bluethumb? Our aim is to empower Australian artists to build a sustainable career in the arts, as well as get Australian art into the homes of collectors around the world. Like most things in life, your Bluethumb profile will be most successful if you put in some time and effort. Your profile gives collectors their first impression of you and your work, so you want it to appear as professional and clear as possible. Tell us everything. The more buyers get to know you, the more likely they are to buy your work.

Bluethumb art gallery photos

Where art buyers connect with Australia's emerging and established artists. You'll only find original art for sale here. Welcome to Bluethumb, the Home of Australian Artists. We represent over 20, emerging and established artists from Australia and work with 20 of Australia's most remote Aboriginal Art Centres to give you access to more Australian artists and their art than anywhere else in the world. We have sold over , original Australian artworks to everyone; from first time art buyers to established collectors and Australia's finest architecture firms. It takes the farty out of arty! Since joining last year, my life has completely changed and I've become a full time artist.


Bluethumb Press From supporting remote Aboriginal artists to beautiful homes and their collections Read More. Highest rated. Olivia Reddan Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars. Winterbloom 51 [Medium] Ed. Hi Sara, Your living room has a lot of potential! One of Bluethumb's Best Customers. A home needs artwork to look and feel great. May 5, in Polls. Here is an article t View All Services. A dedicated account manager can source artists and artworks to meet your budget, project spec, and deadlines. Discovering so many great artists and artwork certainly gets addictive Hi there, At Bluethumb we are connected to Indigenous art centres across Australia, as well as directly with Aboriginal artists. Dreamscape 91cm W x cm H Acrylic. Whether moving home or decorating a new space, finding an artwork you love can make a HUGE difference.

Matilda Jenkins. As the name suggests, Bluethumb Photography is an innovative online platform that exclusively supports Australian fine art photographers. Mauna Kea by Stuart Chape.

I could spend hours scrolling through the Blue Thumb website. Bluethumb works with an amazing diverse range of Australian artists. Florence Sterlin Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars. There are so many fantastic Australian artists out there. Sell art online. Beach Paintings. Hi there, At Bluethumb we are connected to Indigenous art centres across Australia, as well as directly with Aboriginal artists. That's why we invest in making our website so easy to use. Christia Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars. HU Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars. Easy to order and good quality. From supporting remote Aboriginal artists to beautiful homes and their collections. Since , we've invested in building technology that works for artists. Trade professional?

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