Daniel dowd virgo

Today We Start our Lives Anew.!! Today's chart is all about finishing unfinished tasks and projects Yeee-Haaa daniel Yeah, I bet that will get everybody ultra-excited

What-cha want from me Lord What-cha want from me? Please let me Be Lord What you want from me? Please help me Be Lord Please help me See Lord.. Please let Be Lord

Daniel dowd virgo

Has a very powerful emotional and passionate nature attached to it today It is a 'no-brainer' that this is the kind of energy that makes it a 'prime-time' meeting new people and beginning new personal relationships It is when people look for more depth and meaning in their lives. The big thing right now is that retrograde Pluto, Saturn and Neptune all on 3 consecutive house cusps are creating a very deep and powerful 'under-current' I'll go more into that in the upcoming Weekly-Scope But right now I will just say this is definitely not the time to take other people for granted. Today's energy is the kind that tries to bring us back to our 'roots' To focus more on the 'foundation' areas of life It has that vibe that helps us to re-direct our inner passions and emotions towards completing the tasks that need to be done So we might as well 'roll up our sleeves' as there are tasks and chores that need to be done!! That's it for now Thanks for stoppin' by..!! I'll talk to you guys later Keep the Faith Better Days and Higher Love are comin' soon

That's it for now

Today We Start our Lives Anew..!! Today's energy has a quality that reminds me of when we were little kids and our teachers taught us to 'Stop, Look and Listen' when crossing streets It's both a bit of a warning and the need to pay closer attention to what is goin' on and to pay closer attention to the actions of others With Saturn, Sun, Mercury and Neptune in our solar 12th House it is likely there is a lot more goin' on than meets the eye and where things may not always be as they initially appear. This is a pattern that is there to bring us a refreshed understanding of others and what they consider to be very important

Today We Start our Lives Anew..!! Today's energy has a quality that reminds me of when we were little kids and our teachers taught us to 'Stop, Look and Listen' when crossing streets It's both a bit of a warning and the need to pay closer attention to what is goin' on and to pay closer attention to the actions of others With Saturn, Sun, Mercury and Neptune in our solar 12th House it is likely there is a lot more goin' on than meets the eye and where things may not always be as they initially appear. This is a pattern that is there to bring us a refreshed understanding of others and what they consider to be very important Hopefully, we can see where we may be able to 'help and assist' when we can as well as the wisdom to know when it is best to 'stay out of it' and to mind our own business. The key to today's chart energy is to gain better understanding of the wants and needs of others

Daniel dowd virgo

Toggle navigation WeeklyHoroscope. We have a chart energy today that can be pretty 'deep and intense' at times There is that element of what I would call 'terminal overload' Just like a computer that is trying to process too many things at one time

Https igtools me views

The daily horoscope for Virgo has that kind of vibe today that requires you to be rather adaptable and open to new ideas and methods to become more efficient in the things that you do Feel that it is a 'Now or Never' chance to get what they want I'll talk to you guys later Take breaks when needed to regain your perspective!! It is part of the 're-occuring theme' we've been dealing with in the charts where there is a strong emphasis on personal excellence, attention to detail and the the focus on personal excellence But it's all good Keep the Faith Better Days and Higher Love are comin' soon Perhaps the biggest thing to keep in mind that others are feelin' the same way Today I Start my Life Anew..!! Show some Love

We have an energy today that is the classic 'get it done' vibe

With Saturn, Sun, Mercury and Neptune in our solar 12th House it is likely there is a lot more goin' on than meets the eye and where things may not always be as they initially appear. We do have to be careful not to make any assumptions right now Most of all, this can be awesome social energy as long as you give others the space so they can shine brightly too. It has that strong beat and a whole lot of soul added to it Please let me Be Lord It's important to remain 'humble' and to continue to pay attention It brings us closer to real and true enlightenment. The big thing right now is that retrograde Pluto, Saturn and Neptune all on 3 consecutive house cusps are creating a very deep and powerful 'under-current' I'll talk to you guys later Keep the Faith

1 thoughts on “Daniel dowd virgo

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