ewan mcgregor young

Ewan mcgregor young

His career progressed with starring roles in the musical Moulin Rouge! He gained praise for his performances in the thriller The Ghost Writer and romantic comedy Salmon Fishing in the Yemen

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Play trailer A Gentleman in Moscow —. His uncle is actor Denis Lawson.

Ewan mcgregor young

The Scottish talent, born Mar. Ewan has had quite the career. Want to see more photos of Ewan McGregor through the years? Click through the gallery. Ewan McGregor appears in the television series Kavanagh Q. He appeared as Cambridge student David Armstrong in the show, which was about a crusty barrister who oversees difficult criminal cases while dealing with the demands of his family life. Ewan McGregor looks dapper in a photo from He sipped on wine which matched his handsome vest. The early Danny Boyle-directed mystery followed three friends after they discover their new flatmate dead but loaded with cash. Hostage situation. The movie was a ficitionalized take on the decadent, 70s glam rock era. Lightsabers, camera, action! The Baz Luhrmann-created jukebox musical is beloved. Knight in shining armor!

Retrieved 19 July The Pillow Book.

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The Scottish talent, born Mar. Ewan has had quite the career. Want to see more photos of Ewan McGregor through the years? Click through the gallery. Ewan McGregor appears in the television series Kavanagh Q. He appeared as Cambridge student David Armstrong in the show, which was about a crusty barrister who oversees difficult criminal cases while dealing with the demands of his family life. Ewan McGregor looks dapper in a photo from He sipped on wine which matched his handsome vest. The early Danny Boyle-directed mystery followed three friends after they discover their new flatmate dead but loaded with cash. Hostage situation.

Ewan mcgregor young

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Play trailer A Gentleman in Moscow —. His uncle is actor Denis Lawson. He was raised in Crieff. His parents encouraged him to leave school and pursue his acting goals rather than be unhappy.

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Use any combination to refine your search. Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang. McGregor has also starred in theatre productions of Guys and Dolls — and Othello — Retrieved 23 January See the list. Contact info Agent info Resume. West Side Rag. Nora 5. Please enable browser cookies to use this feature. The Impossible. The Serpent's Kiss. Did you know Edit.

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Read Edit View history. Donostia Award. Retrieved 14 December After leaving school at the age of 16, he worked as a stagehand at Perth Theatre and studied a foundation course in drama at Kirkcaldy College of Technology, [17] [18] before moving to London to study drama at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama when he was 18 years old. Who's Who. Create account. Known for:. Retrieved 19 September Trainspotting 2: Music from the Motion Picture, Vol. Archived from the original on 3 June

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