funniest indian movies

Funniest indian movies

Home Blogs. HOME blog tears of laughter 15 alltime best bollywood comedy movies. What does it take to make you laugh out loud?

The flavors of Bollywood are more popular than ever for its entertaining and unique take on the common film genres, and its take on comedy is no exception. Comedy movies are a staple among the commercial titles released out of the Hindi-language film industry every year, one that Indian moviegoers await eagerly. Bollywood comedy can come as a breath of fresh air for the uninitiated, and remains a perpetual source of nostalgic rolling-on-the-floor laughter for the fans. Andaz Apna Apna is a classic Bollywood comedy that remains unbeaten and unreplicated in its uniquely savory combination of humor. The Khans appear in the movie as two overly pretentious, good-for-nothing fellows, who become frenemies when they clash for the love of a rich heiress, played by Raveena Tandon. Andaz Apna Apna is full of deliciously absurd circumstances borne through the clumsy schemings of a coterie of buffoonish characters. The end result rose well over the sum of its parts, giving audiences memorable characters and dialogues that are intimately familiar to Bollywood fans to this day.

Funniest indian movies

Check out the list of top Bollywood Comedy movies. This page list all the top best hindi comedy movies. These are the best hindi comedy movies made in Indian Cinema. Not Rated min Action, Comedy, Crime. Three unemployed men look for answers to all their money problems - but when their opportunity arrives, will they know what to do with it? Votes: 72, Not Rated min Comedy, Drama. Votes: 87, Not Rated min Action, Comedy, Romance. Two slackers competing for the affections of an heiress inadvertently become her protectors from an evil criminal. Votes: 55,

Events in the movie kick into gear when Lilaram, played by Paresh Rawal, discovers the latest winner of the town lottery dead in his house. Coolie No. Judwaa funniest indian movies Action, Comedy, Drama 6.

Not Rated min Comedy, Romance. A man's simple lie to secure his job escalates into more complex lies when his orthodox boss gets suspicious. Votes: 19, PG min Comedy, Drama. Two friends are searching for their long lost companion. They revisit their college days and recall the memories of their friend who inspired them to think differently, even as the rest of the world called them "idiots". Not Rated min Comedy, Drama.

Apart from a wide gamut of brilliant shows from around the world, Netflix is also home to some of the outstanding Indian movies in languages such as Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam and even Punjabi among others. And while there is a huge range of genres to choose from, one of the most love genre till date happens to be comedy and Netflix is home to some of the funniest Indian comedy movies. Abhay Deol plays Lucky Singh, a fearless and charismatic thief who reflects on his life choices and the various heists he pulled off during his criminal career, after getting arrested. Starring Imran Khan, Vir Das and Kunaal Roy Kapur in lead roles, the story is about three debt-ridden friends who land in the soup when they are asked to deliver a package. This action comedy movie is directed by Abhinay Deo and produced by Aamir Khan. The story is about a man whose goal in life is to marry a rich woman, settle abroad with her and then dump her to live a life surrounded by luxury and all things lavish. However, fate has different plans for him as his plan backfires when he gets duped by a woman who had a similar plan in mind. Despite being a decade old, this coming-of-age comedy movie on Netflix is still relevant and holds cult status in Bollywood.

Funniest indian movies

Comedy is a genre that everyone enjoys not only on a bad day but also asan immediate stress buster. Sometimes we don't even have to rewatch the entire movie to relate to the scene that makes us laugh out loud. Only that one scene in your mind will be able to keep you laughing. Many films use a variety of concepts to make people laugh, not only through actions but also through silent themes. There are romantic comedies, action comedies, and you wouldn't be surprised if we said that horror comedies also exist. We've compiled a list of the top 30 Bollywood Comedy Movie list that you should definitely watch this weekend with your family and friends. Friendship and Brotherhood take precedence over everything and everyone. Our first recommendation under Bollywood Comedy Movie list is Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety, which revolves around two close friends, Sonu and Titu, and their friendship, which is put to the test when Titu decides to marry Sweety, who is only interested in his money and does not truly love him.

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A man is brought in by an infertility doctor to supply him with his sperm, where he becomes the biggest sperm donor for his clinic. Votes: 1, Watch out for the insane monologue featuring Omi Vaidya delivering a speech in Hindi. Reliance BIG Pictures. Mere Baap Pahle Aap. Votes: 4, Despite the slightly overdone melodrama, a staple in comedy movies in Bollywood, the film is a must-watch for the moments that will truly have you rolling on the floor in laughter! He lives near the notorious Chor Bazaar thieves market area with his wife, Sulekha, and only Chachi min Comedy, Drama, Family 7. The story revolves around Vidya Balan who returns to her ancestral home in her superstitious town with her husband.

No matter the context of a comedy film, its content is bound to make you laugh.

Deals you can't skip. Loading Next Article Aamir Khan Productions. The story of a bunch of misfits whose misconception about each others backgrounds end up in a series of chaotic, yet comic outcomes. A man falls in love with a beautiful woman, but later discovers that her brothers are gangsters. More importantly, it was the performances of the three lead actors, Akshay Kumar, Sunil Shetty, and Paresh Rawal, that made it an instant classic. All that goes on between the other two trying to split them up and a happy ending is lapped with oodles of laughter. Subscribe to Times Prime to enjoy the movies on different OTTs with a single and low subscription cost. Delhi Belly was as funny as a donkey humping an autorickshaw. What does it take to make you laugh out loud? Directors: Dibakar Banerjee , Pravin E. Unlike some of its peers, the movie relies on a stronger and more involving script to build its humor, and leans more into the elements of double-dealing and deceptive identities. Deewana Mastana Another Govinda comedy with Anil Kapoor adding to the laughter dose, this movie makes you laugh out loud every single time. This Bollywood Comedy movie is a true masterpiece in the Comedy genre. Director: David Dhawan No Problem.

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