guardian obits

Guardian obits

Ronnie Campbell obituary.

Letter: John Pilger obituary. Published: PM. Micheline Presle obituary. Ronnie Campbell obituary. Iris Apfel obituary. Other lives. Other lives : Probation officer for more than two decades and a longstanding, active member of the Napo trade union.

Guardian obits

Other lives. Other lives: Printmaker and tutor whose company Blue Egg produced posters for artists such as the Who and Lou Reed in the s and 70s. Published: 1 Mar Mick Moon obituary. British painter whose work was admired for its physical depth and beauty, giving it lasting appeal. Published: 27 Feb Other lives : Artist who set up a screenprinting department at the Slade School of Fine Art and exhibited his paintings widely. Published: 23 Feb Charlotte Benton obituary. Co-creator of an Open University course that had a profound effect on the study of design history in Britain. Letter: Henry Sandon obituary. Published: 22 Feb Brian Griffin obituary. Published: 6 Feb Published: 4 Feb

Melanie obituary. Published: 1 Mar

Mike Guilfoyle obituary. Other lives : Probation officer for more than two decades and a longstanding, active member of the Napo trade union. Published: PM. Marion Ecob-Prince obituary. Mike Cumiskey obituary.

American interior designer, collector and stylist regarded as one of the great exotics of 20th-century fashion. Iris Apfel was finally recognised as a great, original fashion stylist in her 80s, when the Costume Institute at the Metropolitan Museum in New York had a sudden gap in its exhibition schedule. Many curators knew Apfel, who has died aged , as a collector stashing away clothes, especially costume jewellery, both couture-high and street-market-low, so the institute asked to borrow some of her thousands of pieces. When Apfel wore them herself, dozens at a time in ensembles collaged fresh daily, they had zingy pzazz, so she was invited to set up the displays. There was no publicity budget, and her name was modestly known only in the interior decor trade, yet the show, Rara Avis: Selections from the Iris Apfel Collection , became a huge success after visitors promoted it online.

Guardian obits

Letter: John Pilger obituary. Published: PM. Micheline Presle obituary. Ronnie Campbell obituary. Iris Apfel obituary. Other lives. Other lives : Probation officer for more than two decades and a longstanding, active member of the Napo trade union. Other lives: Artist and art teacher who exhibited widely and also wrote novels. Letter: Alan Brownjohn obituary. Dave Myers obituary.

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Published: 16 Jan Annabel Giles obituary. Barbara Bush obituary. Other lives: Artist and art teacher who exhibited widely and also wrote novels. Other lives : Writer and subeditor who found his niche reporting for the Guardian on football and American sports. John Marshall obituary. Stan Bowles obituary. Published: 7 Dec American singer who became a star at the Woodstock festival and had a string of hits including Brand New Key and Ruby Tuesday. Peggy Cummins obituary. Letter: Alan Brownjohn obituary. JPR Williams obituary. Published: PM. Published: 1 Feb Iain Kerr obituary.

Mike Guilfoyle obituary. Other lives : Probation officer for more than two decades and a longstanding, active member of the Napo trade union.

Artist, writer and curator who worked on a monumental scale, concentrating on pen and ink drawings. Other lives: Teacher who went on to become an acclaimed author. Published: 23 Nov Stan Bowles obituary. Giovanni Anselmo obituary. Published: 28 Jan Published: 20 Nov Other lives: Printmaker and tutor whose company Blue Egg produced posters for artists such as the Who and Lou Reed in the s and 70s. Letter: Alan Brownjohn obituary. Bob Pryce obituary. Sarah Weir obituary. Charlotte Benton obituary.

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