horses of god film complet

Horses of god film complet

A fictional account of the lives of the men responsible for the suicide bombings in Casablanca in

Ya khayl Allah is Moroccan drama film about the Casablanca bombings. The film won several awards, and was Morocco's submission for the 85th Academy Awards held in February The film opens in Yachine whose real name is Tarek , [a] his violent older brother Hamid, [b] and Yachine's friends Nabil son of Tamou, a local prostitute and singer , [c] pot -smoking Fouad, and Khalil live in extreme poverty in Sidi Moumen , a shanty town on the edge of Casablanca in Morocco. Hamid earns money by acting as a drug mule.

Horses of god film complet


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Retrouvez plus d'infos sur notre page Revue de presse pour en savoir plus. Les Chevaux de Dieu. De Nabil Ayouch. Par Jamal Belmahi. Mes amis. Envie de voir. Regarder ce film.

Horses of god film complet

A fictional account of the lives of the men responsible for the suicide bombings in Casablanca in Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Horses of God Original title: Les chevaux de Dieu.

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Nouhaila ben Moumou Ghislaine as a child. Hamid earns money by acting as a drug mule. It preaches forgiveness, whereas the slum is full of violence. It is clear and deliberate, not chaotic like slum life. Nabil gets Hamid, and he and his radical friends hide the body. His refusal to expose Hamid finally inverts the long-standing relationship between the two, leaving Tarek the stronger and more aggressive brother. And above all: without any hope. Toggle limited content width. Ya khayl Allah is Moroccan drama film about the Casablanca bombings. Article Talk.

A fictional account of the lives of the men responsible for the suicide bombings in Casablanca in

All four begin learning jujutsu. The film won several awards, and was Morocco's submission for the 85th Academy Awards held in February Trivia Official submission of Morocco to the Oscars best foreign language film category. Featured review. Play trailer Bouchaib Saakine Fouad as a child. See the full list. For the young slum dwellers, faith and religion is a tempting way of life. But most of all, you understand why they do what they do. Their next oldest brother, Said, is mentally impaired and spends his days listening to radio indoors. Film poster. Details Edit. Yachine, Nabil, Fouad, and Khalil spend their time smoking pot, and Yachine is in love with Ghislaine, Fouad's sister. By what name was Horses of God officially released in Canada in English?

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