how did wesley crusher die

How did wesley crusher die

Star Trek: The Next Generation Odpowiednia info. The new Starship Enterprise and its crew set out "to boldy go where no one has gone before".

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How did wesley crusher die

Wesley Robert Crusher był oficerem Starfleet w 24 wieku , człowiek , mężczyzna. Służył na pokładzie U. Służył w dywizji dowodzenia , jako prowizoryczny członek załogi statku. Podczas pobytu na pokładzie U. Enterprise wykazał swój talent do pracy z napędem warp i systemami statku. Po trzech lata uczęszczania do Akademii Starfleet, przerwał edukację i podjął nowe wyzwanie rozpoczynając naukę u boku między wymiarowego " Podróżnika ". Urodził się na Ziemi w roku. Jego rodzicami byli Beverly Crusher i Jack Crusher. TNG : Encounter at Farpoint. Enterprise, NCCD miał 15 lat co oznaczało, że urodził się w roku. Po odgrywaniu kluczowych ról w uratowaniu Enterprise z niedawno zapadłej gwiazdy i pomógł Podróżnikowi w powrocie Enterprise do przestrzeni Federacji. W wyniku zasług dla statku i jego załogi Kapitan Picard przyznał Wesley Crusher stopień Pełniącego obowiązek Chorążego. Nie zdołał dostać do Akademii, ale zdobył wystarczająco wysokie wyniki, aby umożliwiły my ponowne podejście do egzaminu w ciągu roku. Kontynuował dalsze studia na pokładzie Enterprise, zyskując kredyty akademickie. Komandor Riker przyznał mu pierwsze dowództwo nad badaniami geologicznymi na planecie Dremie IV.

Zaloguj się Zarejestruj się. Nie są one łączone z innymi danymi wprowadzanymi przez Ciebie w sklepie.

This is a beta version of NNDB. The following year he was cast on Star Trek: The Next Generation ; his character, the young ensign Wesley Crusher, was poorly conceived and written, but Wheaton did as well as possible with the role. He was written off the show in , midway through the fourth of its seven seasons. He returned for several later episodes, and had a brief cameo in the film Star Trek: Nemesis. Wheaton continues to work as an actor, often doing voice work for cartoons and video games. He began a website in , later adding a blog.

Wesley Crusher is a fictional character in the Star Trek franchise. He appears regularly in the first four seasons of the television series Star Trek: The Next Generation TNG , and sporadically in its next three seasons. Crusher's father was killed while under Picard's command, with Picard delivering the message to Wesley and to his mother, Beverly. Picard initially found Wesley irritating, as he is often uncomfortable around children, a fact he discloses to his first officer, Commander William Riker , in the pilot episode " Encounter at Farpoint ". In early episodes of the series, Picard does not allow Wesley on the ship's bridge.

How did wesley crusher die

Published Sep 21, A character spotlight on Wesley Crusher, from acting-ensign to Traveler. The series presents Wesley as someone who represents the best ideals of a Starfleet officer candidate, a keen study with a passionate interest in science. However, he could sometimes struggle under the pressures of high expectations placed upon him from an early age. It was only towards the end of the series when we finally see that Wesley feels content in leaving Starfleet to realize his goals. Beverly Crusher , returns to the ship and finds it hard to reconnect with him. This leads the young man to seek solace elsewhere in Dr. The subtle teleplay from Michael Piller presents Dr.

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Crusher is unknowingly catapulted into a universe created by her own mind. The fate of the Federation is in Wesley Crusher's hands when he returns to the Enterprise to find the rest of the crew addicted to a dangerous new game. After resigning his command to participate in a dangerous secret mission, Captain Picard is taken hostage by the Cardassians. Data races against time to save the life of a little alien girl on a planet doomed for destruction. A little girl's imaginary friend becomes a frightening reality for the crew when she threatens to destroy the Enterprise. While the crew plays host to ambassadors from an alien race, Picard is stranded on a barren planet with a woman who falls desperately in love with him. He still blogs, and has an enormous presence on-line. Back in , Wil began blogging on wilwheaton. The crew of the Enterprise risks all in an attempt to communicate with a destructive force known as the Crystalline Entity before a visiting scientist can destroy it. When the Borg return to do battle with the Federation, they boast a new individuality - and tempt Data when they help him feel his first emotion.

Wil Wheaton has offered his official answer to why Wesley Crusher is missing from Picard season 3. Though the final season of Picard was packed with appearances by returning Star Trek: The Next Generation actors, Wheaton's Wesley was a glaring absentee.

Worf's former love is sent to the Enterprise to mediate a dispute between Klingons and the Federation. Nie są one łączone z innymi danymi wprowadzanymi przez Ciebie w sklepie. Trapped in a rift in space, the crew of the Enterprise is plagued by unexplained hallucinations and increasing panic that threaten to destroy them. Wydania zbiorcze 24h Zeszyty 24h Figurki 24h Plakaty 24h. A nervous and insecure officer places the Enterprise in great danger when he spends his time acting out his fantasies on the holodeck and neglects his duties in Engineering. The crew is hurled into the future by the malevolent Q, who sets them up for destruction by a race of aliens known as the Borgs. Their first mission is to explore the creation of the Farpoint station located on planet Deneb IV. From his times on the Enterprise, to his struggles with anxiety, depression, and PTSD, to his starting a family and embracing his passion-writing-Wil Wheaton's journey is an inspiring and empowering tale, a story of finding one's true purpose that should resonate with fans and aspiring artists alike. The crew of the Enterprise finds android parts that are identical to Data's while they are exploring his homeworld. Having completely lost his memory, Data is stranded on a primitive planet where the inhabitants fear he is carrying a deadly plague. Shelby, is assigned to the Enterprise to investigate the disappearance of a Federation colony.

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