Iaff canada

Calgary Firefighters Association. Welcome To The CFA Strength through united action, guided by intelligence is the hallmark of trade union organizations.

More than 3, affiliates and their members protect communities in every state in the United States and in Canada. In addition to city and county fire fighters and emergency medical personnel, the IAFF represents state employees, federal workers and fire and emergency medical workers employed at certain industrial facilities. They debate on a name for the new organization, deciding between the International Brotherhood of Fire Fighters and the International Association of Fire Fighters. Delegates propose publishing a magazine for members, decide the salary of officers set commons goals to live and work with dignity, with care for their safety and concern for their families. Professional fire fighters first started uniting in the midth century as organizations designed to assist fire fighters injured on the job or for the families of fire fighters killed in the line of duty.

Iaff canada

Total Number of Communication Reports: Monthly communication reports in the last 6 months: 4. Version 6 of 35 to was submitted prior to the Lobbying Act coming into force on July 2, Due to different information requirements at that time, the registration is presented in the following format. This is the responsible officer name as provided in the most recent registration for the corporation or organization. Registrants are required to submit a monthly communication report for each oral and arranged communication with a designated public office holder. The name of the most senior paid officer i. Note : Monthly Communication Reports are due on the 15 th day of each month for communications that took place in the previous month. Total Number of Communication Reports: 62 Monthly communication reports in the last 6 months: 4. Washington, DC United States of America Telephone number: Fax number: Responsible officer name and position during the period of this registration: Harold Schaitberger, General President Description of the organization's activities: The International Association of Fire Fighters IAFF is the union representing North America's professional fire fighters, and emergency medical or rescue personnel. Along with wages and working conditions, the IAFF also takes up fire fighter and public safety issues. Organization's membership or classes of membership: Professional fire fighters, emergency and rescue personnel.

Subject Matter of the communication: Pensions.


They have been a great source of pride for our union in the last two years. The Canadian membership is growing, our Canadian legislative program is flourishing and our affiliates at the local and provincial levels are working aggressively on behalf of our members. Employers are banding together to reduce our salaries and alter our working conditions. We have endured harsh rhetoric from opponents while advancing our interests in emergency medical services EMS. On April 1, , a national line-of-duty death benefit was implemented in Canada, ensuring that the surviving relatives of IAFF members who make the ultimate sacrifice do not have to endure financial hardship while grieving the loss of a loved one.

Iaff canada

As a trusted partner, the TD Insurance Meloche Monnex program is dedicated to helping International Association of Fire Fighters members access to preferred insurance rates on home and car insurance coverage. From getting a quote to filing a claim, their knowledgeable advisors will help you find options that are right for you. Click here for more information about how you can save big. Medical and claims assistance, claims payment and administrative services are provided by the administrator described in the insurance policies. Coverages and benefits are subject to eligibility conditions, limitations, and exclusions, including pre-existing medical condition exclusions.

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Date Modified: Jones went on to submit a resolution to the AFL for fire fighters to be able to organize locals across the country, marking the beginning of the IAFF, a separate union for fire fighters. Subject Matter of the communication: Taxation and Finance. Welcome To The CFA Strength through united action, guided by intelligence is the hallmark of trade union organizations. Subject Matter of the communication: Transportation, Employment and Training. Total Number of Communication Reports: 62 Monthly communication reports in the last 6 months: 4. Subject Matter of the communication: Environment, Industry. This is the responsible officer name as provided in the most recent registration for the corporation or organization. Many individual fire unions independently affiliated through the American Federation of Labor AFL — established in Grant, Contribution or Other Financial Benefit. The following preamble from our Constitution and Bylaws reflects the core values of our organization. Subject Matter of the communication: Health, Labour.

The IAFF has more than , members in its more than 3, affiliate organizations. The IAFF was formed in The IAFF has fought for better wages, benefits, working conditions and improved safety for union members.

Kelly, General President Organization Learn more Kelly Current Harold Schaitberger We hope you will find our web site informative and insightful. Note : Monthly Communication Reports are due on the 15 th day of each month for communications that took place in the previous month. Subject Matter of the communication: Labour. Was the organization funded in whole or in part by any domestic or foreign government institution in the last completed financial year? Subject Matter of the communication: Health, Labour. Delegates propose publishing a magazine for members, decide the salary of officers set commons goals to live and work with dignity, with care for their safety and concern for their families. Washington, DC United States of America Telephone number: Fax number: Responsible officer name and position during the period of this registration: Harold Schaitberger, General President Description of the organization's activities: The International Association of Fire Fighters IAFF is the union representing North America's professional fire fighters, and emergency medical or rescue personnel. In addition to city and county fire fighters and emergency medical personnel, the IAFF represents state employees, federal workers and fire and emergency medical workers employed at certain industrial facilities. This is the responsible officer name as provided in the most recent registration for the corporation or organization.

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