ice charts nl

Ice charts nl

Data: Data integrity and usability verified; data customization services available for select data. User Support: Assistance with data access and usage; guidance on use of data in tools ice charts nl data customization services. Data set id: G DOI:

Never base any life decisions on weather information from this site or anywhere over the Internet. Site Designed By: Webmaster Danny. Temps U. Weather Advisory Map U. City Radiation Measurements Official U.

Ice charts nl


Low Forecast U.


This graph displays the area of sea ice coverage off the Labrador Coast and Newfoundland south of 55 N and over the Grand Banks from to present The table below is a sample from the Ice Extent data set. The whole time series from to present can be viewed here. The Excel file, including the above chart, can be downloaded here. The charts display the ice information as recorded in the available sources. A more detailed description of sources, methodology and abbreviations used in the reports can be found in the Data Description. Briefly, in the charts a small red cross denotes the presence of sea ice. A straight line between two point indicates there was continuous ice between them. The red boundary line is an estimation of the extent of sea ice only. Icebergs are denoted by green triangles and a straight line between two points indicates that there were least three icebergs observed end to end.

Ice charts nl

The data for the page you have requested is not available. Please return to your previous selection or to the Marine Weather homepage. List of Official Text Forecasts Resources. Select to drag and drop, rename or delete.

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Spatial Coverage: N:. Color Infrared XLarge U. Site Designed By: Webmaster Danny. Lucia St. Wildfire Headlines U. WV Western U. Atlantic Divergence Sat U. High Forecast Today's U. All data are available via FTP. Type: service. Pacific Divergence Sat W. IR Western U.

This website is a continuation of what was once icedata dot ca originally hosted by myself, Brian Hill , previously of the National Research Council of Canada and now retired. There are several main themes:. This database contains reconstructed ice charts for the ice months January to April from to for ice conditions off the east coast of Newfoundland and the Grand Banks.

Never base any life decisions on weather information from this site or anywhere over the Internet. Data: Data integrity and usability verified; data customization services available for select data. WV Sat U. Blue outlined yellow areas on the map below indicate the spatial coverage for this data set. Pacific Convergence Sat NE. Radar Southern CA. Fire Danger Map U. The ice charts are created through the manual analysis of in situ, satellite, and aerial reconnaissance data. Color Infrared XLarge U. VIS Eastern U. Surface Map E. IR Eastern U.

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