imdb bobs burgers

Imdb bobs burgers

Bob Belcher runs a struggling burger shop with his wife and three children. Sign In Sign In. New Customer?

Linda ends up on the trail of a legendary local singer while showing Tina what's great about their town; Teddy asks Bob for help arguing with a sports radio host. Dove : We look out for each other here. If an outsider comes looking for someone, we tell them they're dead. Tina Belcher : Such a fun rule. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account.

Imdb bobs burgers

Sign In. Dan Mintz Tina Belcher voice. Eugene Mirman Gene Belcher voice. Kristen Schaal Louise Belcher voice. David Wain Grover Fischoeder voice. Zach Galifianakis Felix Fischoeder voice. Kevin Kline Calvin Fischoeder voice. Gary Cole Sergeant Bosco voice. Paul F. Tompkins Short Carnie voice. John Q. Kubin Mickey voice. Nick Kroll Scary Carnie voice.

Sam Seder Hugo …. Sign In Sign In. Garcia Quiralte Fredericke Gauthier

Since , the Belcher family from Bob's Burgers has made fans laugh, sing, and even feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Every episode of the long-running animated series presents a relatable situation for everyone, from a regular working family struggling to make ends meet to the school life the three Belcher children must deal with every day. Part of what makes the show really shine is the phenomenal musical numbers fans get to experience from the Belchers and the other amazing characters. With over episodes and a movie, this running series has no end in sight, and fans can hopefully expect many more adventurous episodes from the Belcher family. While shopping around a farmers market, Bob Belcher and his youngest child Louise spot Shinji, the star of their favorite samurai movie, Hawk and Chick. After tracking Shinji back to his hotel room, Bob and Louise convince him to go back to their restaurant where Shinji explains that the reason he is in town is to find his daughter whom he hasn't spoken to in 30 years.

They have their little quarrels and shenanigans, but a lesson is learned by the end of the episode, and the Belchers become more united. Though the series has been strong overall, it has started to dip in ratings, especially with the current seasons. Now is a good time as any to rewatch the best and worst episodes, better known as the highest and lowest ratings, according to IMDb. Though even some lowest-rated episodes are still enjoyable. One out of many film homages Bob's Burgers features, begins with an early episode heavily inspired by Dog Day Afternoon. Bosco needs the restaurant to be headquarters for police response. Mickey, the bank robber, requests food for the hostages and insists Bob delivers the burgers.

Imdb bobs burgers

With Bob's Burgers recently launching its landmark 13th season, and with the smashing success of the feature film, has been the biggest year for the show to date. Showing their willingness to adapt and change, the rise of the anthology episode has allowed writers to deliver more stories and keep fans laughing. Whether they're drawn from the imagination of the Belcher children or a misguided fantasy from one of the parents, the anthology episodes of Bob's Burgers have taken the characters to places they've never been before. While every episode is well-received, the anthology tales have garnered high scores on IMDb. The beauty of Bob's Burgers is that the show can take a seemingly mundane moment and expand it into a full episode. Louise's version is distinctly fairytale-like while Gene envisions a story that bears a striking similarity to the '80s sci-fi action film, They Live.


Part of what makes the show really shine is the phenomenal musical numbers fans get to experience from the Belchers and the other amazing characters. Kristen Schaal Louise Belcher …. Entranced by the artist, Louise screams for Boo Boo like all the other fans. Storyline Edit. New Jersey, USA on location. Recently viewed. Powered by Alexa. David Herman Mr. Learn more. While Tina, Gene, and Louise try to convince their parents to give them more money for the Family Funtime Arcade so they can win a dune buggy, their landlord Mr. After tracking Shinji back to his hotel room, Bob and Louise convince him to go back to their restaurant where Shinji explains that the reason he is in town is to find his daughter whom he hasn't spoken to in 30 years.

It is centered on the Belcher family—parents Bob and Linda and their three children, Tina , Gene , and Louise —who run a burger restaurant and often go on adventures of many kinds. The show premiered on January 9, The series was conceived by Bouchard after he developed Home Movies.

Kevin Kline Calvin Fischoeder voice. This episode also gives us "spiceps" and the "spice rack," two inventions to make any Edison fan proud. Potential Customer voice. Trivia To pitch the show to the Fox network, the creators made a rough three minute demo of the scene where Bob and Linda are grinding meat and Bob forgets their wedding anniversary. You're going on a date! Full of the show's trademark humor and heart, this episode featured the return of the Fischoeder brothers Calvin and Felix. After returning to the restaurant, Bob learns there is a hostage situation at the very same bank. Laraine Newman Dove voice. Hugo voice. Connections References Dirty Rotten Scoundrels

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