imdb guy ritchie

Imdb guy ritchie

Known for quirky british gangster pictures and awesome action here's How I rank Guy Ritchie's career.

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Imdb guy ritchie

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. After watching Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid as a child, Guy realized that what he wanted to do was make films. He never attended film school, saying that the work of film school graduates was boring and unwatchable. At 15 years old, he dropped out of school and in , got a job as a runner, ultimately starting his film career. He quickly progressed and was directing music promos for bands and commercials by The profits that he made from directing these promos was invested into writing and making the film The Hard Case , a minute short film that is also the prequel to his debut feature Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels Once completed, 10 British distributors turned the film down before it eventually was released in the UK in and in the US in ; the film put Ritchie on the map as one of the hottest rising filmmakers of the time, and launched the careers of actors Jason Statham , Jason Flemyng , and Vinnie Jones , among others. At the end of , Ritchie married the pop superstar Madonna in Scotland, and proceeded to work with his famous wife on a variety of film and video projects, including the short Star , made for BMW and co-starring Clive Owen , and the controversial video "What It Feels Like for a Girl," which was called out for its violence. Ritchie followed up with the Vegas heist film Revolver , which was panned, but won favor with the crime thriller RocknRolla , which featured a game, energetic cast and brought American attention to rising stars Gerard Butler and Tom Hardy. Ritchie is tentatively scheduled to direct an adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson 's Treasure Island. Ritchie has two sons with Madonna: Rocco, born in , and an adopted son, David, born in In late , the couple confirmed reports that they were splitting up, and agreed to a divorce settlement that was finalized in December of that year. In September , Ritchie's girlfriend, model Jacqui Ainsley , gave birth to a son, Rafael, and in July the couple announced they were expecting their second child.

Most Influential Directors. RocknRolla 7. Error: please try again.

R min Action, Comedy, Crime. Eddy persuades his three pals to pool money for a vital poker game against a powerful local mobster, Hatchet Harry. Eddy loses, after which Harry gives him a week to pay back , pounds. Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels is a grimy, twisted, and funny twist on the Tarantino hip gangster formula. R min Comedy, Crime. Unscrupulous boxing promoters, violent bookmakers, a Russian gangster, incompetent amateur robbers and supposedly Jewish jewelers fight to track down a priceless stolen diamond.

Five years after The Gentlemen took audiences on a journey of mayhem and marijuana, director Guy Ritchie is returning for another crime caper. But this time, the titular gentlemen - along with quite a few ladies - are returning for an eight-part TV series. Ritchie said there were themes and storylines which were "worth exploring" further following the film. Critics have broadly welcomed the series, although some say Ritchie relies too much on his usual style. Empire said Ritchie "simply remixes his hit singles" for the series, with "more gangsters, more heists, infinitely more dialogue". But the Radio Times said that, in spite of its shortcomings, the series ultimately is "an absolute boat-load of fun". The series sees Eddie Halstead played by James inherit his wealthy father's country estate following his death, much to the fury of Eddie's pompous and drug-addicted elder brother Freddy.

Imdb guy ritchie

Guy Stuart Ritchie born 10 September [1] [2] is an English film director, producer and screenwriter. Ritchie left school at age 15 and worked entry-level jobs in the film industry before going on to direct television commercials. In , he directed a short film, The Hard Case , followed by the crime comedy Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels , his feature-length directorial debut.


Upcoming 5. IMDb user rating average 1 1. And Spaghetti Sauce When Jafar, the grand vizier, tries to usurp the king, Jasmine, Aladdin and Genie must stop him from succeeding. Detective Sherlock Holmes and his stalwart partner Watson engage in a battle of wits and brawn with a nemesis whose plot is a threat to all of England. In the early s, CIA agent Napoleon Solo and KGB operative Illya Kuryakin participate in a joint mission against a mysterious criminal organization, which is working to proliferate nuclear weapons. View contact info and get hired. PG min Action, Adventure, Drama. Personal details Edit. Snatch R min Comedy, Crime 8.

It is loosely based on the French film Cash Truck.

Hide Show Producer 16 credits. The Guv'nor 85 min Documentary 6. Aladdin, a kind thief, woos Jasmine, the princess of Agrabah, with the help of Genie. Success Formula Self Self See fewer. I used to be very Left wing. Recently viewed. October 14, with ex-wife, Madonna. R min Action, Crime, Drama. Ritchie is tentatively scheduled to direct an adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson 's Treasure Island. Rocco Ritchie. TV min News, Talk-Show. Tell us what you think about this feature. List Activity Views: 21, in last week 5. New Customer?

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