indiana high school football scores

Indiana high school football scores

We have highlights, photo galleries, stats and recaps from all six games from this weekend's state finals at Lucas Oil Stadium. More: Special senior class helps Ben Davis become first public school with 10 football titles. More: Snider runs away from Decatur Central in second half. The Trojans took the opening kickoff, indiana high school football scores, rushed eight times and passed four to complete the yard scoring drive in

One more win and a trip to Lucas Oil Stadium on Thanksgiving weekend awaits. Which teams will punch their ticket to Indianapolis? We find out tonight plus one Saturday game. IndyStar 's team in the field will provide live updates, highlights, post-game interviews, recaps and loaded photo galleries from across Central Indiana. He had big shoes to fill.

Indiana high school football scores


Facebook Twitter Email. The Trojans are headed back to the Class 3A state championship after dispatching of the Redskins in Friday's semistate.


We're onto Week 3 of the IHSAA football season, and while we won't have melting temperatures Friday, we can only hope the scoreboards stay as hot as they were in an absolutely wild Week 2. IndyStar 's team in the field will provide live updates, highlights, post-game interviews, recaps and loaded photo galleries from across Central Indiana. Quick Reads: Week 3 was loaded with big games. Here's how they were won. Fishers looks like real deal: 'Good luck to the rest of the conference.

Indiana high school football scores

You'll have to beat more than the opposition tonight, you'll need to beat the heat. Oppressive heat and record humidity have plenty of schools pushing kickoffs back to later in the evening Friday. IndyStar 's team in the field will provide live updates, highlights, post-game interviews, recaps and loaded photo galleries from across Central Indiana. Brownsburg: Sherrell , Dunn , A.

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East Central returns to the state finals by defeating New Palestine on Friday, November 17, A failed onside kick just put the icing on the cake. Show Caption. Mobile tickets should be purchased in advance through Ticketmaster. Hide Caption. Share your feedback to help improve our site! Passing — Westfield: Individual stats not available. Digital tickets may also be purchased in person at the Lucas Oil Stadium box office during business hours. Lutheran: Jones , King , Cooper Ringer had his usual plus yard rushing night, but wound up a distant second in the offensive yardage category to teammate Dylan Maxwell, who gained a career-high yards and rushed for two TDs, including a yarder to push the lead past the point mark. Turning point: So many twists and turns. Ben Davis wins class 6A state title by defeating Crown Point

It's trophy time in Indiana high school football! Sectional championships, and the accompanying hardware, are on the line tonight statewide. Key games include Hamilton Southeastern vs.

The 6-foot, pounder intercepted three passes and led the Trojans in receiving with six catches for 66 yards. All purchased tickets will be sent as mobile tickets to the purchaser's smart phone and that verification should be shown at the admission gate. Receiving — Decatur Central: Chris Richmond Center Grove: Cherry , Player of the game: Aguirre. He finished with yards rushing. Passing — Westfield: Individual stats not available. Which teams will punch their ticket to Indianapolis? Play of the game: Um, there were a few that could qualify. More: 'Atrocious' first half put Westfield in deep hole the Shamrocks nearly climbed out of. Share your feedback to help improve our site! Matthew Glenesk Indianapolis Star. East Central wins class 4A state title by defeating NorthWood Hall , Willis , Jones

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