is kirk hammett gay

Is kirk hammett gay

Moderator: Andrew. Jim » Wed May 11, am. Return to Snowmobiles For The Sahara. Last visit was: Mon Mar 11, pm.

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Is kirk hammett gay

By seeking July 17, in Channel Zero. Kirk is the man, it is possible that he is of that persuasion. Maybe all the withdrawls from the alcohol they went through they all started to make out with each other. I dont think he's gay.. He's gay. That fat blad guy with the tats probably is too. I'm sure all will be revealed in that movie they have. Metallica the Movie or something to that effect You can post now and register later. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Paste as plain text instead. Only 75 emoji are allowed. Display as a link instead. Clear editor.

InMetallica traveled to the east coast to record its debut album, Kill 'Em All. And forgive me if this is common Metallica fan knowledge I'm certainly not a fanbut is Kirk Hammet gay? To each his own I guess.

Moderator: Andrew. Jim » Wed May 11, am. Return to Snowmobiles For The Sahara. Last visit was: Tue Mar 19, am. Board index FAQ Print view.

Kirk Hammett is a guitar hero. His passion and personality, flamboyance and finesse, melodic nous and attacking zeal have motivated countless youngsters to pick up a six-string. For Kirk, growing up in California in the late 60s and 70s, his own primary motivator comes as no surprise. It was very seductive to me, as a young boy who was trying to find my place in the world. Then I saw [Led Zeppelin concert film] The Song Remains The Same around that time, and seeing the magnificence of Zeppelin onstage, the visual impact of it all… it made the music that much bigger. I permanently set my perspective on Hendrix and Zeppelin! Thus inspired, Kirk took up the guitar and formed his first band, which became Exodus in From an early stage, the teenage guitarist was generating his own material — and writing a piece of heavy metal history in the process.

Is kirk hammett gay

Just look at my rhetoric there: tough, kick-ass riff. I remember once James got up and pushed Lars [Ulrich , drummer], and Lars literally flew across the room. Metallica, No one else mattered. Metallica are set to embark on a huge world tour that same month, which includes their previously-confirmed Download Festival headline slots. The first 18 years of our lives that form our true or false selves.

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Never heard of him but he looks gay. Jim » Wed May 11, am Lol! So does Judas Priest. Hammett's musical interests eventually drew him into the fledgling thrash metal genre. Retrieved September 14, Dave Mustaine. Fuck that. In , during the band's European leg of their tour to support Master of Puppets , the group had a dispute over sleeping arrangements on their tour bus. Hammett has been friends with Primus bassist and lead vocalist Les Claypool since childhood. Please, can't we just stop talking about fruits?!? To me, the Iron Maiden guitar sound sucks ass. Main article: Metallica discography. He seems gay and very childlike for a man of his age and wealth, but he's the only one that doesn't come off as a spoiled megastar. Hammett has been married to his second wife Lani since

Metallica have always been a band of brothers — ego clashes, arguments, physical skirmishes and displays of loving affection make up their tumultuous history.

Retrieved April 8, What's new New posts New profile posts Latest activity. Have always loved his chops though. Hammett is known for consistently taping sections of his right picking hand in order to protect his skin from abrasions from his use of palm muting and fast picking techniques over lengthy tour cycles. For me, music comes at all times of the day. The black album came out and then Toggle limited content width. You never know, Arnel could be next. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. At the age of fifteen, he focused on learning the guitar and bought an inferior Montgomery Ward. For the better part of the next decade, Hammett dove deep into the horror scene. I think Kirk Hammett has just spent too much time in San Francisco and picked up the "accent. Not that they suck, but I just enjoyed the music prior to that album much more. Who cares? Speak before you talk Regardless of sexual preference, isn't it time we got behind our fellow musicians and stayed there until this chaotic climax was over?

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