james hollingshead

James hollingshead

Virtual consultations:. I am a Consultant Colorectal and General Surgeon, specialising in laparoscopic keyhole procedures.

Bodybuilder James Hollingshead is a modern-day mass monster and plans to weaponize his muscularity and size when he enters his next show. Olympia prep, discussed his diet, and talked about the meteoric rise of Nick Walker. He took his massive physique to the Europa Pro Championships, winning first place. This performance earned Hollingshead a qualification to compete at the Mr. Last year saw Hollingshead storm Mr.

James hollingshead


Gastrointestinal surgery Hernia repair surgery. Olympia, Hollingshead trusts that dedication to his diet and training will guide him to success.


Check out his physique update and final leg workout in the video above. Olympia ]. For many bodybuilders, bulking is halted several weeks before the competition date to leave time to cut — when the focus is dropping body fat and sharpening muscle definition. Hollingshead likes adding to his body weight for as long as possible to continue to add solid muscle. I got my weight back up to pounds. Going to be, probably, three or four days until I can shift the excess weight [and] get back down into baseline. Hollingshead has achieved success in competitions with just six weeks of prep. Hollingshead says his critics, such as those who comment on YouTube, have questioned why he puts so much emphasis on eating rather than leaning in the run-up to a contest. The Londoner says that his gigantic food consumption is necessary to maintain and add to his muscle mass.

James hollingshead

Follow Us. In bodybuilding , determination, and dedication are the cornerstones of success. James Graham Hollingshead stands as a result of the unwavering pursuit of his dreams. James Graham Hollingshead recently shared a profound message on his Instagram account, accompanied by a video that resonated with aspiring bodybuilders and dreamers alike.

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View All Articles. Marketing Information. We may also use your details to contact you about patient surveys we use for improving our service or monitoring outcomes, which are not a form of marketing. About Doug Murray Doug Murray has covered mixed martial arts for leading MMA news websites and has written on other sports like boxing. I specialise in diagnosis and treatment of abdominal and perianal conditions, including hernias, bowel cancers, inflammatory bowel disease, and haemorrhoids. Bodybuilder James Hollingshead is a modern-day mass monster and plans to weaponize his muscularity and size when he enters his next show. Given the crop of talent expected to perform at the biggest show of the year, Hollingshead is making the most of his time away from the competition. He wants one thing. View this post on Instagram. Olympia, Hollingshead trusts that dedication to his diet and training will guide him to success. An appointment A quotation Information. As a writer, he enjoys the creative process and research that goes into each individual story. General Medical Council Number: C He mentioned that he is ingesting around grams of carbohydrates a day. I feel confident I have.

James Hollinshead is a professional bodybuilder from London who started training at the age of years old.

I am a Consultant Colorectal and General Surgeon, specialising in laparoscopic keyhole procedures. Where patients require surgery, I have a particular focus on rapid recovery from surgery, carrying out the overwhelming majority of my major abdominal operations with a keyhole laparoscopic technique and using enhanced recovery programmes. We may contact you by email, SMS or phone about your enquiry. As a writer, he enjoys the creative process and research that goes into each individual story. An appointment A quotation Information. Additional information Clinical interests Colonoscopy Coloproctology Colorectal surgery Endoscopy Gastrointestinal surgery Hernia repair surgery Laparoscopic surgery Minimal access surgery. Olympia, Hollingshead trusts that dedication to his diet and training will guide him to success. Marketing Information. Despite his shocking size, Hollingshead landed in 12th place, respectively. Refine results by adding your town, region or postcode. He took his massive physique to the Europa Pro Championships, winning first place. Laying out the plan for Mr.

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