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Note: You can change font size, font face, and turn on dark mode by clicking the "A" icon tab in the Story Info Box. Please consider leaving feedback on issues you experience or suggest improvements. She walked into my office looking for representation as she was being charged with a serious crime. I had been a defense attorney for 12 years, was married but my job always seemed to come first, at least that's what My ex-wife told me when she filed for divorce. Since then I immersed myself in my job, working hr days, building up a great reputation as a great lawyer who could get you acquitted or at a minimum get the charges dropped. I charged quite a bit but I was worth it

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Note: You can change font size, font face, and turn on dark mode by clicking the "A" icon tab in the Story Info Box. Please consider leaving feedback on issues you experience or suggest improvements. A snippet of what i use to make a slave embrace his submissive financial demeanor, the first minutes are important to make a slave ease resistance and free his mind of any worry, the second part comes with Binaural waves, and subliminal relaxing background sound. I use this prayer for my slaves who need daily affirmations to take them to the happy place of worshipping. If you have an intense findom fetish and Humilliation fetish and part of you struggles with it, this file will help you to ease your resistance into your fetishes and to integrate that part that you repress so much.

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Note: You can change font size, font face, and turn on dark mode by clicking the "A" icon tab in the Story Info Box. Please consider leaving feedback on issues you experience or suggest improvements. Life really is funny. I had the biggest crush on Emma growing up, and here she was in a town on the other side of the country, in the same dive bar as me. We were close in high school, but eventually stopped talking as we both moved out of our home state.

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Note: You can change font size, font face, and turn on dark mode by clicking the "A" icon tab in the Story Info Box. Please consider leaving feedback on issues you experience or suggest improvements. Being the CEO of one of the largest banks in the area had its perks, but there was never a day without a problem.

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