Lynn anderson albums

The singles discography of American country music lynn anderson albums Lynn Anderson contains 72 singlesthree promotional singlesone charting B-sidetwo music videos and nine other song appearances. She signed her first recording contract with Chart Records in

Sound Bass. Country vocalist, songwriter, and guitarist Lynn Anderson is best remembered for her gigantic crossover hit "Rose Garden. For Columbia, she released three singles before "Rose Garden" became an international hit in , topping the country chart for the first time. Anderson continued her affiliation with Columbia until and had numerous Top Ten hits; some of her tunes, such as "Even Cowboys Get the Blues" , became country music standards. Home Browse Radio Search. Open in Music. Lynn Anderson.

Lynn anderson albums

How Can I Unlove You. You're My Man. Geatest Hits. Rose Garden. The Essential Lynn Anderson. Top of the World. The Christmas Album Expanded Edition. With Love, From Lynn. Lynn Anderson's Greatest Hits. Keep Me In Mind. Listen to a Country Song. No Love At All. Dolly Parton. Kenny Rogers. Elvis Presley.

Read Edit View history. Lady love by Various Artist. Country Spotlight.

The albums discography of American country music artist Lynn Anderson contains 37 studio albums , 21 compilation albums , two live albums , two video albums and three extended plays. She signed her first recording contract in with Chart Records. The following year, her debut studio album entitled Ride, Ride, Ride was released on the label. It was her first album to debut on the Billboard Top Country Albums chart, peaking at number Anderson had a major crossover pop hit with " Rose Garden " after signing with Columbia Records in The album spent 77 weeks on the Billboard Top Country Albums chart before peaking at number one.

The albums discography of American country music artist Lynn Anderson contains 37 studio albums , 21 compilation albums , two live albums , two video albums and three extended plays. She signed her first recording contract in with Chart Records. The following year, her debut studio album entitled Ride, Ride, Ride was released on the label. It was her first album to debut on the Billboard Top Country Albums chart, peaking at number Anderson had a major crossover pop hit with " Rose Garden " after signing with Columbia Records in The album spent 77 weeks on the Billboard Top Country Albums chart before peaking at number one.

Lynn anderson albums

The World of Lynn Anderson is a compilation album by country music singer Lynn Anderson released in The World of Lynn Anderson seems to be an attempt to quickly package a volume in Columbia's two-disc "World of" series for Anderson, then at the peak of her career with three consecutive number one singles and multiple awards for her smash single " Rose Garden ". Though Anderson had only been with the label for less than two years, she had already recorded five albums, three of which had charted well. Many songs on this album are covers of previous hits for other artists, including Conway Twitty 's "Hello Darlin'" and Bobbie Gentry 's "Fancy" which would later be covered by Reba McEntire and made a Top 10 Country hit for her in the s.

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Rose Garden by Lynn Anderson. Latin America and the Caribbean See All. Moving to a nearby ranch in Sacramento, her family raised horses and she learned to ride and then began entering equestrian competitions. CBS Records International. Sign up for free. Lady love by Various Artist. No Love At All. Download as PDF Printable version. All the King's Horses. The song was recorded as a duet with Anderson's mother and country artist Liz Anderson. What She Does Best. Lynn Anderson singles discography Lynn Anderson in concert,

Her crossover signature recording , " Rose Garden ," was a number one hit internationally.

Top of the World by Lynn Anderson. From the Inside. Country vocalist, songwriter, and guitarist Lynn Anderson is best remembered for her gigantic crossover hit "Rose Garden. Lady love. Even Cowgirls Get the Blues. Her Best. Top of the World. Lynn Anderson albums discography Lynn Anderson in concert, At Home with Lynn. Anderson was featured on the project and the group was billed as "Various Artists". Neil Sedaka. Rocky Top. For Columbia, she released three singles before "Rose Garden" became an international hit in , topping the country chart for the first time. Hot Country Songs to Retrieved 25 May

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