marceline male adventure time

Marceline male adventure time

Marshall Lee full name: Marshall Lee the Vampire Kingis the gender-swapped version of Marceline, created by the original series designer, Natasha Allegri, who is featured in "Fionna and Cake".

Marshall Lee Abadeer full name: Marshall Lee the Vampire King [2] is the gender-swapped version of Marceline , created by the original series designer, Natasha Allegri. He makes his first appearance in the episode " Fionna and Cake. Therefore, he was turned into a human offscreen during the events of " Come Along With Me ", when Ice King became a human again Simon , the world in his mind was also affected, with its magic removed. In this version of Fionna-world he is a musician not as well-known as he would like with a real estate agent mother, who even rents both his apartment and that of his friend Fionna. He is seen fascinated by Gary Prince's human version of Prince Gumball cookies, which led him to start a date with him later. Marshall Lee and Prince Gumball have their romantic relationship, and he is currently Prince Gumball's boyfriend.

Marceline male adventure time

Marshall Lee : [singing] Good little girl, always picking a fight with me. You know that I'm bad, but you're spending the night with me. What do you want from my world? You're a good little girl. Fionna : [singing] Bad little boy; that's what you're acting like. I really don't buy that you're that kind of guy. And if you are, why do you want to hang out with me? Marshall Lee : [singing] Don't you know I'm a villain? Every night I'm out killin', sending everyone running like children? I know why you're mad at me. I've got demon eyes and they're looking right through your anatomy. Into your deepest fears. Baby, I'm not from here; I'm from the Nightosphere. To me you're clear, transparent. You got a thing for me, girl.

Storyline Edit. Like Marceline, his physical appearance is that of a typical late teenager or a young adult.

Marceline the Vampire Queen real name Marceline Abadeer is a fictional character in the American animated Cartoon Network television series Adventure Time and resulting franchise , created by Pendleton Ward. Marceline is a fun-loving 1,year-old vampire queen, as well as a musician who plays an electric bass that she made from her family's heirloom battle-ax. Ward created the artistic design for Marceline, with small changes and additions added by Phil Rynda, the former lead character and prop designer for Adventure Time. Marceline makes her debut in the first-season episode " Evicted! However, as the series progresses, Marceline becomes a close friend to the two.

Marshall Lee Abadeer full name: Marshall Lee the Vampire King [2] is the gender-swapped version of Marceline , created by the original series designer, Natasha Allegri. He makes his first appearance in the episode " Fionna and Cake. Therefore, he was turned into a human offscreen during the events of " Come Along With Me ", when Ice King became a human again Simon , the world in his mind was also affected, with its magic removed. In this version of Fionna-world he is a musician not as well-known as he would like with a real estate agent mother, who even rents both his apartment and that of his friend Fionna. He is seen fascinated by Gary Prince's human version of Prince Gumball cookies, which led him to start a date with him later. Marshall Lee and Prince Gumball have their romantic relationship, and he is currently Prince Gumball's boyfriend. Marshall Lee is implied to have many, if not all, of the same abilities as his female counterpart. In " Bad Little Boy ", he mentions "drinking the red from your heart in one sitting," and drains the pink from Prince Gumball's cream puffs, indicating that he chooses to drink red instead of human blood in much the same way Marceline does.

Marceline male adventure time

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In her candy form, Marceline is gregarious and playful, but a bit naive about the nature of the new world around her; for instance, when an enraged Flame Princess attacks her, Marceline mistakes the assault for " wrasslin' ". Archived from the original on March 25, He can also sing, although he also occasionally raps, and is shown to play a guitar. Retrieved March 14, Marshall Lee's relationship with Prince Gumball seems to be similar to Marceline and Princess Bubblegum 's rivalry toward one another. Retrieved May 3, Upon returning home, she appears happy to see him but continues to be controlling and also degrades him in front of all the guests. When Gumball gives Fionna a magic, wish-granting sword, she wishes the three of them to have matching "Boys' Night" tee shirts with their faces. Marceline is a fun-loving 1,year-old vampire queen, as well as a musician who plays an electric bass that she made from her family's heirloom battle-ax. Sign in to edit. Episode

Princess Bubblegum is the current incarnation of the Candy Elemental. Which is comparable to the inhabitants of the Candy Kingdom, who are all composed of types of desserts and candies. She rules over the Candy Kingdom , but in the Season 6 episode " Hot Diggity Doom " the first part of the season's finale , an election was held and she lost to the King of Ooo by a landslide.

Awards and nominations Random! She smiles reluctantly and takes his hand before being flown into the forest. The series featured Marceline and Princess Bubblegum forming a band and touring around Ooo. Archived from the original on September 28, He then became fascinated when she informed him of how he was originally a vampire and by her travels. Marshall Lee full name: Marshall Lee the Vampire King , is the gender-swapped version of Marceline, created by the original series designer, Natasha Allegri, who is featured in "Fionna and Cake". The two later helped Fionna and Cake hold off the invading Scarab , who was soon defeated after a long struggle. Baby, I'm not from here; I'm from the Nightosphere. Into your deepest fears. Items she drinks the red from are rendered grey afterward, including, on one occasion, Princess Bubblegum.

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