mayan galactic signature

Mayan galactic signature

Every day and every person has a Galactic Signature. There are unique possibilities! Each signature is a combination of a "Tribe" and a "Tone. Decode yourself and people in your life, mayan galactic signature, to see what synchronicities are revealed!

Bridging our male and female aspects - a wee theory The first mayan calendar that I discovered was Tortuga's 'Dreamspell' calendar. I and my friends were continually blown away by how well this calendar 'worked'! Our Galactic Signatures were bang on, our Wavespells were always intense and significant, our year cycles oh-so accurate, our 4 revolving Theme Years very telling and true. In a nutshell, Dreamspell worked! Just as western astrology is divided the siderealists vs the traditional , so is the mayan calendar community. I wondered how the Classical mayan calendar would fit into the big picture for me.

Mayan galactic signature

The day you were born on the 13 Moon calendar is coded by your Galactic Signature. By playing the role of your galactic signature, you allow yourself — your mind, body and spirit — to vibrate to that particular frequency and you broadcast it out to everyone around you. This is your gift to the world. Hunab Ku — a day of pure timelessness. If you were born after noon local time, use March 1 to find your galactic signature. Taking the role of your Galactic Signature is the first step in entering the fourth-dimensional synchronic order. Meditate on the codes and see what insights arise. The next step is to learn the 13 Moon calendar and follow it each day. Click here to download a free 13 Moon calendar. Find who shares your galactic signature. You can also decode Galactic Signatures with the Galactic Compass. Decoder widget created by Ash Mystic

Actively move towards being an open channel.


This sacred calendar was followed by several Mesoamerican civilizations and, although expressed with different names and some nuances, they all consisted of a combination of 20 symbols by 13 numbers. The 20 symbols or glyphs are energies or archetypes represented by names, and called Solar Seals in their modern term. The 13 numbers are expressed in dots and bars and are known as Lunar Tones. Both, glyphs and numbers, have a correlation to the human body twenty fingers and toes and thirteen joints , and the entire day cycle also relates to both human gestation pregnancy and agriculture cycles. Each day has a unique combination of energies that influences us in certain ways. Getting consciously in tune with the cycle daily is a wonderful way to reconnect with our essence, feel part of the web of life and live in harmony with all existence! Important clarification!

Mayan galactic signature

To make the most of this offering, find your Galactic Signature and Wavespell, by entering your date of birth at the Mother Site of the Galactic Mayan Calendar. Then return here and place in the Search Button —. Contemplate, as this may resonate and offer deep meaning to you and your life. Your Wavespell — Serving to offer purpose and direction to your life.

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Click here to download a free 13 Moon calendar. Decoding significant dates in your life past or future is also a profound way to gain insight into the larger synchronic order of your life's journey Visit Our Clothing Store. Activtely keeping a dream journal and delving into your dreams will guide you to fulfilling your destiny. White Wind Ik. Intiana blends Galactic Dreamspell Astrology with intuitive wisdom and psychic insight. Every day and every person has a Galactic Signature. Each mind is connected with every other mind; and each mind, wherever it is located is connected with the whole world and cosmos. Visit the Shop. The artwork is galactivated and the wisdom is shared with compassionate understanding. Unconditional love, the one heart, indivisible essence, core vibration, new beginnings, chalice of the infinite, All That Is. Be willing to examine how you judge and evaluate yourself.

Opening the 9 Time Dimensions Activating the Noosphere.

Speak your truth directly. We also publish books, calendars and almanacs for all levels of understanding, and accessible to any person from any culture, religion or background. Blue Storm Cauac. Completion, expansion, mastery, larger cycles of time, fulfillment, grand design. Allow the larger pattern to emerge. Draw the light of courage and compassion into yourself and radiate it to others. Click here to download a free 13 Moon calendar. I was not about to give up being a White Crystal Mirror my Dreamspell Galactic Signature for anything because it deeeeeply resonated with me! Let the whales be your guides. Please find your Classical Daykeeper below Observe without drawing conclusions. White Dog Oc.

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