Mcdonalds japan twitter

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It appears McDonald's is working hard to improve the birth rates in Japan. On September 20, McDonald's Japan uploaded the cutest video ad on X: an Anime family eating chicken nuggets and fries. In the second clip, the little girl sits on the dad's lap while the mom sweetly feeds her a french fry. The promo was so effective that it reached American Twitter and garnered over 70 million impressions. Author John A.

Mcdonalds japan twitter


These people really need to get off the internet.


It appears McDonald's is working hard to improve the birth rates in Japan. On September 20, McDonald's Japan uploaded the cutest video ad on X: an Anime family eating chicken nuggets and fries. In the second clip, the little girl sits on the dad's lap while the mom sweetly feeds her a french fry. The promo was so effective that it reached American Twitter and garnered over 70 million impressions. Author John A. Douglas thinks this ad may have angered the child-free community on social media. The 'kids are a financial burden' crowd are seething," he said.

Mcdonalds japan twitter

In October, Japan dropped all travel restrictions after closing its borders to visitors more than two and a half years as a result of the COVID pandemic. Once I heard the news, my cousin, her boyfriend, and I booked a ticket to arrive at the end of the month. I first visited Japan in and until the pandemic, traveled there quite frequently. Since that first visit, I've spent anywhere between one to three months every year in the country. One of the reasons I love to visit is for the local food.

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Oct 26, 35, Oct 30, 1, Means they'll die sooner when they have a massive stroke or aneurism. QisTopTier said:. They'll get mad at a grain of sand if they felt like it would get people to notice them. StarStorm Avenger. Nov 27, 9, Conservatives liteally made up phantom liberals for this "outrage". It was manufactured by right wingers. Amalthea Banned. Dec 10, 30, Tulsa, Oklahoma. ClickyCal' Member. I'm confiscating that dipshit's lum avatar. Business as usual with them doing this shit. You are using an out of date browser.

McDonald's restaurants in multiple countries have been hit by a technical outage that leaves them unable to process orders. We thank our customers for their patience and apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

It's just a harmless ad. Gaming Hangouts. TaySan said:. Irikan Avenger. Oct 27, Oct 25, 7, Why do they always love fighting ghosts. Oct 30, 1, Twitter is the spot you go to make someone up to be mad at. Soundscream Member. What makes this funnier is that there's no particular reason to assume the depicted family even is single-race and cis-gendered! Means they'll die sooner when they have a massive stroke or aneurism. Plumbob Banned. JB Hunkamunka said:. Dec 30, 14,

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