Most disgusting videos on the internet

Welcome to WatchMojo. The company behind this video sells a bunch of other masks as well, but the disturbing factor varies from video-to-video. The very idea that we may be able to perform otherworldly or supernatural feats is an amazing thought. Whether or not we truly can, however, remains to be proven

Lok Sabha Election Congress leaders meet to finalise party's candidates. Mahashivratri Are banks, stock market closed on March 8? Check state-wise holiday list. Check out seven dark and disgusting videos and images that you should never look for on internet for your mental peace. DNA Web Team.

Most disgusting videos on the internet


The first woman would consume the eel once it escapes.


And the highest ranking of them all surface right to the top, bringing us the best of the YouTubed best. But there is also a terrible side to YouTube — and we mean, literally. And for good reason:. That site, so aptly named, is Boootube. The video above is one of the many featured on Boootube , a site that aggregates all the videos on YouTube that have received the worst ratings or the most thumbs down clicks ever.

Most disgusting videos on the internet

If you buy something from a Polygon link, Vox Media may earn a commission. See our ethics statement. For a long time, online videos were something special — uploaded to archaic file-sharing sites or hosted as Flash animations or passed around message boards as very early-stage YouTube links.

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In the end, they sneaked some vomit in there as well. Home Lifestyle. The Tub Girl is an illustration of a Japanese woman sitting in a tub and an orange liquid shoots out of her gut onto her face. We hope. Apparently, there was a group of people who shared Mr Hands's fetish and they would get together and record their sexual encounters with animals. We have, like, no context for this one. Login Now! Once a stallion went too far, leaving Pinayana with deadly injuries. Animal writer Sourabh Gupta reacts to controversies, Ranbir Kapoor's 'pad change' dialogue: 'Cinema mein mardon ko.. If you search Goatse, a man would appear on screen, who is opening his rectum with both hands making his inside visible. The Karan: An Experienced Spiritual healer, reader and counsellor.

Horrible news: the Internet isn't all cute cats and viral videos.

A website called Rotton. Welcome to WatchMojo. Reasons why you should never skip breakfast. Copy Link. Are Gandhis trying to hit three birds with one stone? The Internet has created a virtual reality for all humans where one can dive into the internet from any corner and reach anywhere they desire. No account? A lot of the dialogue is unintelligible, thanks to the voice distortion and static. Forgot Password? Once a stallion went too far, leaving Pinayana with deadly injuries. With the rising dependency on 'www' we are feeding information to the internet. Supposedly, the video captures a broadcast intrusion by a hacker who interrupted a local programming channel, and the images, sounds and frequencies shown in it apparently made viewers sick. DNA Web Team.

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