msa my story animated

Msa my story animated

My Story Animated Cover Picture. However, it's widely suspected that many, if not most, of the stories are actually fictional, often due to the videos having extremely implausible or nonsensical things happen within them.

MSA, also known as My Story Animated , is an Philippines animated storytime channel owned by the Filipinos developer Zvoid which is based on stories from the viewers. MSA previously My Story Animated has been criticised by people as containing stories that are exaggerated, outlandish, unrealistic, and even fake, due to the absurdity of the stories. Despite this, their channel continues to grow and they insist that the stories submitted are from real people. Have you also noticed, they fail to be inclusive and lack of diversity of race. They claimed he did not give them any credit and as such his videos containing any of their content would be taken down.

Msa my story animated


Get Known if you don't have an account. Faux Affably Evil : Marcus from "I Became Rich From Being A Psychopath" certainly knows how to charm people like many sociopaths, msa my story animated, but he doesn't actually care about anybody else and is a habitual user and abuser of others.


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Msa my story animated

My Story Animated Cover Picture. However, it's widely suspected that many, if not most, of the stories are actually fictional, often due to the videos having extremely implausible or nonsensical things happen within them. The idea of the channel is to tell outlandish stories that occur to teenage characters. They involve school, family secrets, and other real world topics, however they usually have an unusual twist to them. My Story Animated provides examples of:. Alpha Bitch : You can know for a fact the worst bully in a school is always the popular kid. Ambiguous Situation : The video "i had no idea his trick could work" sees its narrator, Dana, get jealous and suspicious when her boyfriend Damien spends a lot of time at her friend Jackie's house and refuses to let her see their text conversations. While Damien insists that they were just working on a surprise gift for her, she later sees them kissing in her room. Dana herself admits that she's not sure if her jealousy was justified after all or if it drove Damien into Jackie's arms.

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Since she's poor and really wants to go to college, she's tempted to sell the card and get enough money to go to a good university, but she decides to find its rightful owner and return it. Unlike the stereotypical drag queen, he's straight. Though calling this "murder" is a bit of a stretch, since said husband was a lemon sapling. Don't have an account? How's that going to help you become a lawyer? In "My parents think I am the devil" , Irene goes to see Tarzan as a young girl. To make matters worse, she finds she can't remember the phrase to snap her out of her trance. Witch with a Capital "B" : In the more recent stories from the 's, the most common insult targeted towards a girl's Arch-Enemy is "witch". The narrator's dad is right when he tells his daughter she should have confessed, but the narrator is also right when she points out that leaving those anonymous notes was really messed-up. She ends up selling it to a perfume company for half a million dollars. This turns her into an overly attached mom who refuses to leave the house or let her leave either.

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But then she and her brother get stung The Baby Trap : Dana from "i had no idea his trick could work" is suspicious that her boyfriend Damien might be cheating on her with her best friend Jackie. Smith is nice to most people, but a complete Sadist Teacher to the narrator, Helen. Paige then corrects her and tells her she's not into girls either. The One Guy : Too Exaggerated for its own good. Her husband and daughter being rather judgmental about her attempts to find new ways of occupying herself didn't help. Switched at Birth : Emily from "I Found Who Swapped Me At Birth" was swapped with another baby due to a mix-up at the hospital where they were born, and by the time her parents found out when she was five years old, they didn't want to give her up. Discriminate and Switch : "She Found Out" has Brian try to raise his daughter Leanne to believe that homosexuality is sinful, like what he was taught. She was swapped at birth, like the title suggests. In "After 18 years of being poor" , Jenna is attracted to one of her classmates Nathan's daughter in "A strange man claims he is my husband - He Knows Everything" essentially disappears from the story after the train accident, though she is mentioned a few times. You need to login to do this. You Dirty Rat! Sdrawkcab Alias : "No one has seen my real face" features a supermodel named Iris, who wants to take a break from modling to live a normal life. Obfuscating Disability : The narrator of "I know everyone's dirty secrets by pretending I'm blind!

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