Mystic muffin photos

It has a wide variety of seasons, meats, vegetables, rices You name it! Around the Office.

Mystic Muffin is your old friend. It's your high school sweetheart. It's your worn-out sweater in the left drawer of your childhood closet. Mystic Muffin is a second home, and in three years, there may no longer be a mat for you to knock off your boots, pull up a chair and order your favourite apple cake. What we can always count on is the past — the 27 years of good food and good service the Mystic Muffin has given to Toronto. On the corner of Jarvis and Richmond streets, Mystic Muffin is old school, both in service and style.

Mystic muffin photos


Brad C.


By signing up you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Over all those years and through all those customers, this small counter-style restaurant has evolved from a simple breakfast joint into a community staple for affordable lunch combos and famous apple cake. With the help of his wife Annie, Elias makes everything from scratch in his small kitchen in the back of the store. To do so, he wakes up at 4 a. Everything is homemade, from the hummus to the banana loaf. A collage of photos covers the other wall and features people from all over the world smiling and proudly showing off their Mystic Muffin T-shirts. In fact, Elias knows almost every other person who walks through the door. He immediately strikes up a conversation as if no time has passed at all and gets right to work on their regular order. New customers are greeted with a smile and a free cookie often told to try the world-famous apple cake if they are wondering what to order.

Mystic muffin photos

For almost 30 years, Elias Makhoul kept customers coming back with his falafels, apple cake and dry sense of humour. Thanks to its charismatic owner Elias who has built a loyal following in the last decades. He's writing about the importance of these lunch spots and what we lose as more places downtown are moving to mobile ordering platforms. He is famous for his hummus plates, falafels and the apple cake. Since working from home, I have missed seeking out independent lunch places, the kind of shops where you build a rapport with the owners and spend a little extra time chatting with someone outside of your work bubble. Nearly 15 years ago when my career as a food writer started as an intern at Toronto Life magazine, I was taken to the nearby Mystic Muffin on my first day and was introduced to its owner, Elias Makhoul.

Veggie tales

On the corner of Jarvis and Richmond streets, Mystic Muffin is old school, both in service and style. Yosef Y. Max B. It has a counter alongside the storefront window and a window sill filled with rocks and Lego building blocks. See all 42 photos. Foursquare City Guide. Claim it now. Carlos P. Nice place to sit with a latte. It's your worn-out sweater in the left drawer of your childhood closet. Joey W. Tasty cocktails too! A slice of the world-famous apple cake at Mystic Muffin in Toronto.

Mystic Muffin is your old friend. It's your high school sweetheart.

Mystic Muffin is your old friend. Graham R. Toronto Food - Part 2. Christian S. You might also like. She's from Microsoft, she wants to buy me out! Cleston C. Nastia O. You name it! One wall is dedicated to photos of customers from around the world wearing Mystic Muffin T-shirts. Max B.

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