nifty erotic stories

Nifty erotic stories

The quality of the stories varies widely, however, and The Best of Nifty list was set up as a readers' guide pointing to some of the best stories posted at Nifty.

Nifty Erotic Stories Archive , also known as nifty. The site collects LGBT stories, straight stories and bisexual and lesbian themed stories by amateur writers as well as "General Erotic and Educational Information", [3] [4] with stories categorized by theme and subject matter such as "first time", "interracial", fan-fiction , missionary experiences , [5] and other categories. As of February 25, , the site contains over , stories. In , it was recognized by the U. Internal Revenue Service as a tax-exempt, nonprofit c organization. Nifty does not have a registration process, an aspect that has drawn criticism, as the site does not require users to verify that they are over the age of

Nifty erotic stories


Boy In A Pink Box. Working At The Club. Nick Turner.


By em. By moc. Nifty Collections. Collections Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender. Publish a Story. Log in. Mar 2. Breaking me in. By Robert Louis.

Nifty erotic stories

Nifty is being completely overhauled with a modern architecture, preserving tens of thousands of stories for future generations. This site is completely volunteer run, supported solely by your donations and contributions. Are you interested in helping build out the site? Reach out here! Can't volunteer? No worries. Any support you could offer through a donation is deeply appreciated. If you have the means, you can donate here. Thank you for your consideration. To celebrate the next chapter of Nifty, we have a new logo!

Once 3 novembre 2023

Christopher Answers. Leaves and Lunatics. Archived from the original on 26 August T Storm. Darien's Tears. Nick Turner. Babying Reuben. Archived from the original on 14 February Michael Garrison. My Carl.

User accounts are now available! Rate and favorite stories, follow authors, and see how readers are interacting with your stories. Want to see everything we've been working on?

My First Year With Kevin. The Other Side of Me. Dark Prince. Foxwood Chronicles. Sons Of Morning Hawk. Chicago Tribune. Chronicles of an Academic Predator. Magic in Your Touch. Keith Morrisette. Henry and the Balance of Probability. My Second Time. Southern Knights. Light from Darkness. Christopher Answers.

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