Phpstan array

In some cases PHPStan knows about the literal value of an expression.

PHPStan 1. My role has shifted from the main code contributor to quality assurance, project vision [1] , and taking care of the continuous integration pipeline. At the current rate of quality pull requests from rvanvelzen1 markusstaab and herndlm I might just rename my job title to "green button pusher". This feature was developed by Richard van Velzen. After generics and conditional return types PHPStan continues to democratize its advanced features. Besides arguments, it also supports narrowing types of properties and returned values from other methods on the same object. Learn everything about this new feature in the documentation ».

Phpstan array

Currently, it is not possible to define explicit array types as other programming languages do as Java does. There have been some attempts to achieve that. One of the most recent ones was done by Nikita Popov in this pull request. Hopefully, some tools like PHPStan or Psalm help us to analyze the code statically, which means, they do not execute but check the code for inconsistencies based on PHP comments. This is a fashioned way to define a list of elements from a certain type, the problem is it becomes ambiguous, and clients that use this kind of list cannot know if keys are integers, floats or strings. We use lists when we have an array of elements with the same type. We use object shape when the array is not a collection of objects but a map which holds information. There are multiple advantages when using these PHP comments, not only provide better feedback on the array shape to the developers but IDEs will suggest auto-completion when iterating on individual elements! We can use the PHP comments on arrays anywhere class properties, function params, inline initialization…. Edit me.

Some examples:. I can now put anything I want in the array. You can also implement a custom type, usually representing a subtype of a more general type, phpstan array.

It has a point of course, purely from static analysis it cannot reliably be inferred that c will always be of the string[] type - the phpdoc typehint declares it could be a string as well some day. In my practical case however, due to the definition of the API I'm calling, I cannot know beforehand that a and b are the only string keys, only that all non- c keys will be string keys with string values. Array shape does, to my knowledge, not support any definition for unknowns, for example the following are all unacceptable:. See lines 20 and I can now put anything I want in the array. How can this pass for level 9 with strict rules enabled?

Today I was trying to fix some "missing iterable value type" errors and I have a problem to satisfy PHPStan when nested arrays. The documentation does not explicitly mention whether PHPStan supports nested array shapes I think docs should be updated with this information. I can created a PR but I need an answer. This was green at that time but is not now. Can anybody help?

Phpstan array

The default level is 0. Once you specify a configuration file, you also have to specify the level to run. This feature enables incremental adoption of PHPStan checks. You can start using PHPStan with a lower rule level and increase it when you feel like it. To be able to run a higher level without fixing all the reported errors first, check out a feature called the baseline. You can also use --level max as an alias for the highest level.

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The biggest circle containing all other types is mixed also known as the top type. Edit me. Available in PHPStan 1. Marking a function or a method as return never tells PHPStan the function always throws an exception, or contains a way to end the script execution, like die or exit. I can now put anything I want in the array. This is useful when solving undefined variables. The closest I'd like are probably:. This feature enables usage of strong types in codebases where arrays of various specific shapes are passed around functions and methods. Twitter Mastodon RSS. We use lists when we have an array of elements with the same type.

Two years ago I wrote an impactful article on union and intersection types. It helped the PHP community to familiarize themselves with these concepts which eventually led to intersection types support in PhpStorm. I wrote that article because the differences between unions and intersections are useful and important for static analysis, and developers should be aware of them.

Every step like that helps us to get rid of a lot of bugs. Written as Type1 Type2. Unordered list. Sponsor PHPStan! Because in runtime T might contain something that falls inside the E circle like InvalidArgumentException or something that falls outside of the E circle like TypeError. Until one day when someone requests to take on multiple roles. So if a parameter is assigned by reference, the type after the function call is always mixed :. Some functions accept a bitmask composed by -ing different integer values. This is different from general arrays that mandate that all the keys and values must be of a specific homogeneous type. If you want to try it now, include bleedingEdge. For example StringType returns 'string'. Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub.

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