pirates of the caribbean manray

Pirates of the caribbean manray

A gallery of images of crew members who served aboard the Flying Dutchman. Try our affiliated browser extension - redirect to BreezeWiki automatically!

It is unknown how he ended up serving a one hundred year debt to Jones, but he would nevertheless soon become a loyal member of the Dutchman's crew. Finnegan's physical and mental state, overtime, would slowly transform during his time aboard the vessel. Finnegan's face would morph into that of a rockfish, and his hair would be replaced by some fire coral. His mouth had also painfully mutated so that he had a permanent snarl. He welded two swords in battle.

Pirates of the caribbean manray

It is unknown how he ended up serving a one hundred year debt to Jones, but he would nevertheless soon become a loyal member of the Dutchman's crew. Manray's physical and mental state, overtime, would slowly transform during his time aboard the vessel. His face and head would be replaced by that of a Manta ray, and his body would be covered in coral and barnacles. He wore a cloak, and had one silver eye and one black eye. He weilded a sword and a cutlass in battle. Like all members of Jones' crew, Manray had the ability to teleport. Manray was still serving aboard the vessel by the time the East India Trading Company armada under Lord Cutler Beckett assumed command of the Dutchman and of Davy Jones, therefore also his crew. During the battle around Calypso's maelstrom, Manray stood atop the Flying Dutchman's crow's nest with Broondjongen and Finnegan, yelling at the Black Pearl and swinging his sword in the air. Later on in the battle, he climbed down the rigging and swung onto the Pearl, where he fought its crew. He would attack William Turner minutes after he proposed to Elizabeth Swann, but was cut down. He attacked Will shortly after Captain Barbossa agreed to officiate their impromptu wedding ceremony during the battle. Manray would soon also attack Elizabeth, and was stabbed two times. He would later team up with Piper and Finnegan and attack the two right before they kissed, but was knocked backwards. He was later dueling a pirate in sword combat as the two kissed. Following Davy Jones' death and Will Turner's inauguration as the Dutchman's captain, the ship was consumed by the whirlpool.

Maccus in At World's End video game. The Pirates of the Caribbean Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Manray.

Manray was a crew member aboard the Flying Dutchman , serving under the command of Captain Davy Jones. At some unknown point in his life, Manray found himself in servitude aboard the Flying Dutchman , and gradually took on the appearance of a Manta Ray. He remained in service to the Dutchman when Lord Cutler Beckett of the East India Trading Company Armada assumed command of the ship and its captain, and when dozens of East India Trading Company soldiers were stationed aboard the ship. During the battle around Calypso 's maelstrom, Manray, Finnegan and Broondjongen stood atop the crow's nest of the Flying Dutchman , yelling at the enemy and waving their weapons in the air. He fought alongside Piper and Finnegan later in the battle, dueling William Turner and Elizabeth Swann in sword combat during their impromptu wedding aboard the Black Pearl. He was eventually pushed far enough back that he began another sword fight with a different enemy. He likely reverted to his human form after Turner assumed command of the Dutchman.

Captain Barbossa, Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann must sail off the edge of the map, navigate treachery and betrayal, find Jack Sparrow, and make their final alliances for one last decisive Read all Captain Barbossa, Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann must sail off the edge of the map, navigate treachery and betrayal, find Jack Sparrow, and make their final alliances for one last decisive battle. Captain Barbossa, Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann must sail off the edge of the map, navigate treachery and betrayal, find Jack Sparrow, and make their final alliances for one last decisive battle. Captain Ammand : [about Barbossa] Shoot him! Captain Jocard : Cut out his tongue! Jack Sparrow : Shoot him and cut out his tongue, then shoot his tongue! And trim that scraggly beard! Sign In Sign In. New Customer?

Pirates of the caribbean manray

Manray was a crew member aboard the Flying Dutchman , serving under the command of Captain Davy Jones. At some unknown point in his life, Manray found himself in servitude aboard the Flying Dutchman , and gradually took on the appearance of a Manta Ray. He remained in service to the Dutchman when Lord Cutler Beckett of the East India Trading Company Armada assumed command of the ship and its captain, and when dozens of East India Trading Company soldiers were stationed aboard the ship.

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Morey 13 1. Ogilvey concept art. Palifico in Pirates of the Caribbean Online. Pirates of the Caribbean Wiki Explore. Wheelback fighting Pintel. Broondjongen's hat falls off as he is blown backwards by cannonfire. Old Haddy manning the Dutchman 's cannons. At this point, Manray was still aboard the Pearl, but soon teleported himself back to the Dutchman. During the battle around Calypso's maelstrom, Finnegan stood atop the Flying Dutchman's crow's nest with Broondjongen and Manray, yelling at the Black Pearl and swinging one of his swords in the air. Ratlin holding the Dutchman 's rigging. Don't have an account? Once finished, this notice may be removed.

Scroll down to find out how to watch the Pirates of the Caribbean films in order, by narrative chronologically or release date.

Jelly 12 0. Manray boarding the Black Pearl. During the battle around Calypso 's maelstrom, Manray, Finnegan and Broondjongen stood atop the crow's nest of the Flying Dutchman , yelling at the enemy and waving their weapons in the air. Tube Coral concept art. Character art of Maccus by Aaron McBride. Angler 13 0. Related wiki Christmas event. Later on in the battle, he climbed down the rigging and swung onto the Pearl, where he fought its crew. Ogilvey in human form. Crash during the release of the Kraken. Finnegan's physical and mental state, overtime, would slowly transform during his time aboard the vessel. Character development art by Crash McCreery. Piper manning the Dutchman 's cannons. Koleniko , Maccus and Clanker playing a round of Liar's Dice.

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