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Great story. Love it. I don't think you mentioned her MBA enough. The story is ok but is full of unnecessary fill. That is interesting, but you missed a significant fact about Einstein. One: Einstein explored the idea I don't know why they had a meeting since the wife thought that her husband would not take her back!

Porn stories wives

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Someone we know? Someone you want to share? Instant chemistry, me in my early forties, he in his. I was in a car accident a year back. Not only did the accident put me in a wheel chair, but.

Note: You can change font size, font face, and turn on dark mode by clicking the "A" icon tab in the Story Info Box. Please consider leaving feedback on issues you experience or suggest improvements. I'm Terry, a successful business man with an enjoyment of the erotic. Sandy has been my wife for over 25 years and I love her dearly. I have always fantasized about watching Sandy with another man. However she is pretty straight laced and would never go through with it. Add a little alcohol though, and she displays a leaning toward wild and fun, nothing crazy, just a bit.

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