scent of a woman reparto

Scent of a woman reparto

La trama se desenvuelve alrededor de Charlie Simms Chris O'Donnellun estudiante que proviene de una familia pobre, becado en una prestigiosa escuela preparatoria privada. El problema radica en que solo Charlie y George Willis, Jr.

A prep school student needing money agrees to "babysit" a blind man, but the job is not at all what he anticipated. Trask is furious]. Trask : [furious] I am left with no real witness. Willis's testimony is not only vague, it is unsubstantiated. The substance I was looking for, Mr. Simms, was to come from you.

Scent of a woman reparto

La trama se desenvuelve alrededor de Charlie Simms Chris O'Donnell , un estudiante que proviene de una familia pobre, becado en una prestigiosa escuela preparatoria privada. El problema radica en que solo Charlie y George Willis, Jr. Philip Seymour Hoffman , hijo de un benefactor de la escuela, conocen realmente la identidad de los culpables. Ante la negativa del alumno, el director Trask lo exhorta a ser honesto o sufrir las consecuencias. En cuanto a las escenas del hotel, todas fueron rodadas en una misma noche para evitar causar problemas al negocio. Contenidos mover a la barra lateral ocultar. Leer Editar Ver historial. Herramientas Herramientas. En otros proyectos. Wikimedia Commons. TCM Movie Database. Archivado desde el original el 5 de febrero de

Gabrielle Anwar Donna. Vanity Fair.

Chris O'Donnell Charlie Simms. James Rebhorn Mr. Gabrielle Anwar Donna. Bradley Whitford Randy. Richard Venture W. June Squibb Mrs.

A prep school student needing money agrees to "babysit" a blind man, but the job is not at all what he anticipated. Trask is furious]. Trask : [furious] I am left with no real witness. Willis's testimony is not only vague, it is unsubstantiated. The substance I was looking for, Mr. Simms, was to come from you. Charlie Simms : [remorseful] I'm sorry.

Scent of a woman reparto

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Michael Simon. Myles Aronowitz Still Photographer. More to explore. Michael Santoro. Click here to copy URL. Trask sets a meeting of the school disciplinary committee to take place the Monday after the Thanksgiving weekend. Luke L. Ken Ferris Camera Operator. La trama se desenvuelve alrededor de Charlie Simms Chris O'Donnell , un estudiante que proviene de una familia pobre, becado en una prestigiosa escuela preparatoria privada. William Beckwith. Hoffman as George Willis, Jr. There was a time I could see. The evening ends after Frank visits with a high-class escort, completing the stated objectives of his trip. Peter Rainer : Los Angeles Times. Sign In Sign In.

Sign In. Edit Scent of a Woman Frank Slade Chris O'Donnell

Gino Lucci Picture Car Coordinator. Francesc Albiol Court Official. Reparto Hoffman , Gabrielle Anwar , and Bradley Whitford in supporting roles. It's gonna make you proud one day, I promise you. Alberto Mieza. Jordi Pons. Download as PDF Printable version. Oscar al mejor guion adaptado. Sally Murphy. Leonard Gaines. James Rebhorn Mr.

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