Skyrim hired thugs

Inicio Discusiones Workshop Mercado Retransmisiones.

Hired Thugs are hostile characters which can appear in any random event location. This is only supposed to occur after the Dragonborn has stolen goods from a character, repeatedly trespassed, assaulted someone, or murdered someone. Some characters, such as Belethor , may consider knocking over items or using a shout inside their shop as sufficient reason. This event can occur even if the Dragonborn employed stealth, or remained undetected throughout the incident in question. One of the thugs sent after the Dragonborn will carry a Contract signed by the offended party. Anyone can hire thugs— merchants , townsfolk, Jarls , town guards who will sign the contract with " Whiterun Guard ," for example and even children or dogs Garmr.

Skyrim hired thugs

Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Global Achievements. I went to Winterhold and they showed up me being a level 3 at the time I could not kill them. This time I was able to kill one but they still killed me mind you I am an orc so imagine my suprise when the other orcs just ignored the nords walking in and killing one of their own how does one get rid of these punks if they are unable top kill them? BTW Lydia was totally useless in this whole ordeal just dying right off the bat so if there is a better companion for early game stages please feel free to mention. Showing 1 - 9 of 9 comments. Ilja View Profile View Posts. Hired thugs come after you one time.

Todos los derechos reservados. I've had it happen twice to me.

Log In Sign Up. I was in Riverwood and waited three hours for it to be morning and three hired thugs came up and tired to kill me. When I searched their bodies i found a contract calling me a thief, signed by Hilde, the old lady in the village. I admit I pickpocketed everyone and raided all the houses but i was careful to remain unseen. Plus, if she saw me wouldn't she just attack me like the usual?

Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Global Achievements. I just encountered three hired thugs that were sent after me for stealing. I was never caught stealing and have never even had a bounty on me, so how the hell could someone send thugs after me?

Skyrim hired thugs

Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Global Achievements. This topic has been locked. Strange encounter I've experienced on rare occasions. For some reason, hired thugs were sent after me down and the contract on them is addressed from Moira, the Hagraven from Sanguine's quest.

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This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Hired Thug. The thugs are exclusively melee fighters in groups of three, and wear heavy armor. Awesome Ver perfil Ver mensajes. Just want to know how this little event was activated. Killing assassins is fun. Mensajes: Cancel Save. He hired them rather than Septy. The stuff you stole was clearly sentient and sent a telepathic message to their owners. Funny thing is that if i rob somebody and get caught by guards but still manage to flee, they dont send hired thugs after me but a bounty hunter does come eventually.

Hired Thugs are hostile characters which can appear in any random event location. This is only supposed to occur after the Dragonborn has stolen goods from a character, repeatedly trespassed, assaulted someone, or murdered someone. Some characters, such as Belethor , may consider knocking over items or using a shout inside their shop as sufficient reason.

All rights reserved. Per page: 15 30 Version 1. Ask A Question. Some random NPC you pickpocketed. Before adding a bug to this list, consider the following:. Mega Man 7 Ver perfil Ver mensajes. My other character was a spellcaster. Inicio Discusiones Workshop Mercado Retransmisiones. XioDrago 7 years ago 5 tehnemox posted Fantasy Elder Scrolls. Can people send hired thugs after you for no reason? Path of Knowledge bug: Pedestal to door of the final control cube in Nchardak doesn't work? As said, they only come after you once, unless you are using a mod that allows new ones to appear.

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