Smooth 91.5 melbourne

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Smooth It was aired for the first time in with the name Vega. On it was rembranded to 'Smoothfm Sophie Ellis-Bextor]. Radio Victoria Smoothfm

Smooth 91.5 melbourne

Smooth The station first named Vega began with a music and talk format, however it switched to a music format in In , its format became 'Classic Rock' playing primarily rock artists from the '70s and '80s and targeted listeners 35—54, which would make its then competitors Gold After a somewhat shaky start the station seemed to be growing slowly but consistently and then at the time had around , listeners AC Nielsen Official Survey 6 in At the end of , Vega moved to a model with no announcers outside of the Dicko and Dave morning show, with the result being a very high focus on music quantity post 9am. Alice Cooper started as the nights host on the station on 12 March On 12 March the Vega brand was dropped and the station was relaunched with new a format as 'Classic Rock In building these new stations, DMG needed a "simple, focused music concept that would appeal to the 35—54 audience. On 21 May , the station was again rebranded with a new format and name, 'smoothfm In March , smoothfm In January , smoothfm Southern Cross Austereo 's Triple M previously occupied the studios. This article about a radio station in Australia is a stub.

Retrieved 29 May Sister stations. May 8,a.


Login with Facebook Login with Google. Forgot your username or password? Sign up with Facebook Sign up with Google. Already a user? Login here. Smoothfm Melbourne - Victoria , Australia - English. Suggest an update.

Smooth 91.5 melbourne

Smooth The station first named Vega began with a music and talk format, however it switched to a music format in In , its format became 'Classic Rock' playing primarily rock artists from the '70s and '80s and targeted listeners 35—54, which would make its then competitors Gold After a somewhat shaky start the station seemed to be growing slowly but consistently and then at the time had around , listeners AC Nielsen Official Survey 6 in At the end of , Vega moved to a model with no announcers outside of the Dicko and Dave morning show, with the result being a very high focus on music quantity post 9am.

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The station first named Vega began with a music and talk format, however it switched to a music format in Gold Stop playing your song "smooth FM" all the time, it's spoils it. Rhythm of the Night DeBarge 23 hours ago. Surely there are millions of other songs that can be played?? Jennifer Paige - Crush. Easy listening. Fernando Sept. March 24, , a. Guest i like some of it but not all add more rock. Get the live Radio Widget. Guest Saludos desde Posadas Misiones Argentina. ABC News Radio. I wouldn't want to have to change to another station. Sign up to leave a comment and share your thoughts with other listeners.


Sophie Ellis-Bextor]. Enjoy the music, can we have some songs from Cliff Richard. The website loading velocity is amazing. All of Me John Legend 23 hours ago. Guest Stop playing your song "smooth FM" all the time, it's spoils it. Phillip Watts. At the end of , Vega moved to a model with no announcers outside of the Dicko and Dave morning show, with the result being a very high focus on music quantity post 9am. Britney Spears - Oops! Jason Mraz - I'm Yours 2. Toggle limited content width. It's FREE! Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Melbourne » Smooth Article Talk.

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