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Toy story comic porn

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Toy story comic porn


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In a world where toys pretend to be lifeless in the presence of humans, Woody , a pullstring cowboy toy, is the leader of a group of toys owned by a boy named Andy Davis. With his family moving away one week before his birthday, Andy is given a week-early party to spend with his friends, while the toys stage a reconnaissance mission to discover Andy's new presents. Andy receives a spaceman action figure named Buzz Lightyear , whose impressive features see him replacing Woody as Andy's favorite toy. Woody becomes resentful, especially as Buzz also gets attention from the other toys. However, Buzz believes himself to be a real space ranger on a mission to return to his home planet while Woody tries to convince him that he is only a toy. As Andy prepares for a family outing at Pizza Planet , his mother allows him to bring only one toy along. Fearing Andy will choose Buzz, Woody tries to trap Buzz behind a desk, but the plan backfires when Woody accidentally knocks Buzz out the window, resulting in the other toys turning against Woody by accusing him of eliminating Buzz out of jealousy. With Buzz missing, Andy reluctantly takes Woody to Pizza Planet, but Buzz climbs into the car and confronts Woody when they stop at a gas station. As they fight, they fall out of the van, which drives off and leaves them behind. While Buzz still believes he is a real space ranger, Woody spots a Pizza Planet delivery truck and convinces him that it can take him to a space port.

Toy story comic porn

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