
The Naruto story is one of tsunade most popular manga series in the world; having produced a combined total of anime episodes original and Shippudentsunade, 72 manga volumes, tsunade, and 11 movies from to as well tsunade the new Boruto anime. Originally written and created by Masashi Kishimoto, the Naruto franchise has captured the hearts of anime lovers because of its ability to show personal development among its many characters.

If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! After the war, she retired from her position as Hokage and Kakashi Hatake succeeded her as the Sixth Hokage. She is voiced by Masako Katsuki adult and Haruhi Terada child in the original Japanese version of the anime. As one of the Legendary Sannin and the Fifth Hokage, Tsunade is undoubtedly one of the most powerful ninja that Konoha has ever produced. Greatly admired around the world, Tsunade is reputed to be one of the most powerful kunoichi in ninja history. She is a remarkable combatant and medical-nin and is also hailed as the world's strongest kunoichi, which has led to many younger kunoichi to look up to her.


She is famed as the world's strongest kunoichi and its greatest medical-nin. The repeated loss of her loved ones caused Tsunade to later abandon the life of a shinobi for many years. Tsunade is the granddaughter of Hashirama Senju and Mito Uzumaki. Hashirama doted on Tsunade when she was very young because she was his first grandchild, and found her deviance and her adoption of his own gambling habits highly amusing. When Jiraiya failed to acquire a bell during the team's first bell test , Tsunade teased him, prompting him to criticise her flat chest. Tsunade's younger brother, Nawaki dreamed of someday becoming Hokage so that he could protect Konoha, their grandfather's legacy. On Nawaki's twelfth birthday, Tsunade kissed his forehead and gave him Hashirama's necklace in the hopes that it would help him achieve his dream. He died the next day, a casualty of the ongoing Second Shinobi World War , thus returning the necklace to her. Tsunade began advocating for the inclusion of medical-nin on all four-man squads in order to avoid future deaths like Nawaki's. Hiruzen, the Third Hokage, agreed with her arguments, but could not dedicate resources to the necessary implementation due to the ongoing war.

It's unlikely that the fictional world of Naruto's shinobi follows the Western zodiac signs very closely, but if it did, Tsunade's August 10 tsunade would make her a Leo. Way Of Ninja, tsunade.

She mastered slug magic and could walk on water. In the manga and anime series Naruto , a character named Tsunade served as the Hokage leader of the village where the protagonist Naruto Uzumaki lives. She is known as the world's strongest kunoichi female ninja and the greatest medical ninja. Naruto 's Tsunade can summon slugs into battle, up to and including kaiju -sized monsters. This summoning ability is predicated on Tsunade having established a blood-contract with all slug species.

She mastered slug magic and could walk on water. In the manga and anime series Naruto , a character named Tsunade served as the Hokage leader of the village where the protagonist Naruto Uzumaki lives. She is known as the world's strongest kunoichi female ninja and the greatest medical ninja. Naruto 's Tsunade can summon slugs into battle, up to and including kaiju -sized monsters. This summoning ability is predicated on Tsunade having established a blood-contract with all slug species. Jiraiya and Orochimaru can also summon and shapeshift into toads and snakes respectively. The repeated loss of her loved ones caused Tsunade to later abandon the life of a ninja for many years. But after being convinced by Jiraiya and Naruto, she is eventually persuaded to return to their village and take on the mantle of the fifth Hokage. This Japanese literature—related article is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it.


Naruto is among the most successful and beloved manga and anime series. Fans fell in love with a number of characters and Tsunade became one of the huge favorites. She has unmatched healing powers and is fabled to be the strongest female ninja or Kunoichi.

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Most of Naruto and his friends become genin around that age. Like Nawaki, Dan would also be killed in battle. Jump Super Stars. While Tsunade tries to defuse the situation, Kakashi confides in her that he met Hiruko many years ago and was branded with a mind-controlling technique that will force him to go to Hiruko. Tsunade's trademark ability is her immense raw strength, with which she is able to launch her targets several meters with a mere finger flick or create fissures with a single finger jab at the ground. Kanji name. Her character is teased 55 chapters before she's ever seen by readers. Current Wiki. The only other character known for sure to have graduated at a younger age than Tsunade is Kakashi. Ninja Rank. Originally written and created by Masashi Kishimoto, the Naruto franchise has captured the hearts of anime lovers because of its ability to show personal development among its many characters.

She is famed as the world's strongest kunoichi and its greatest medical-nin. The repeated loss of her loved ones caused Tsunade to later abandon the life of a shinobi for many years.

Ironically in the tale, Tsunade not only had healing powers but is married to Jiraiya. Main article: Six-Tails Unleashed In the anime, Konoha receives reports of an attack on the Tsuchigumo clan and, as a consequence, their forbidden technique is at risk. She is also informed that Lee, despite still recovering from his surgery, has also gone off to lend support. With her Strength of a Hundred Seal , she can continuously store up additional chakra into it. She reflects further that all the past Hokage have wasted their lives for the village and concludes that only a fool would ever want the title. They were horrified to learn of Victor's attempt to recreate the God Tree. This then scrambles the electric signals within them and disrupts the way their body moves, such as attempting to move the right hand would cause the left leg to move instead, and so on. Tsunade is later approached by Sakura Haruno , who asks to be taught medical ninjutsu. Sign in to edit. Tsunade gave him a week, thinking it to be impossible for Naruto to accomplish this. Knowing that they couldn't act hastily, Kakashi and Tsunade were sent to meet with the other great villages to get their support on engaging this personal matter. From seeing the rivalry that exists between Sakura and Ino and how that competition drives them each to do better, Tsunade agrees. The grave robbers soon afterwards arrive in Konoha, erecting a giant barrier around the village while earthen zombies attack.

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