video spongebob

Video spongebob

Together with his buddy the pink starfish Patrick, he experiences the craziest adventures.

Spongebob and Patrick spill paint on Mr. Krabs' first dollar. Krabs' damaged first dollar by hanging on the wall]. Krabs : SpongeBob, what are you doing? SpongeBob SquarePants : Oh, you know, just hanging around. Patrick : [giving a thumbs down] Boo! Sign In Sign In.

Video spongebob

SpongeBob SquarePants is an American animated television series created by marine science educator and animator Stephen Hillenburg that premiered on Nickelodeon as a sneak peek after the Kids' Choice Awards on May 1, , and officially premiered on July 17, It chronicles the adventures of the title character and his aquatic friends in the underwater city of Bikini Bottom. The series received worldwide critical acclaim, and has gained popularity by its second season. As of , the series is the fifth-longest-running American animated series. Its popularity made it a multimedia franchise , the highest rated Nickelodeon series, and the most profitable intellectual property for Paramount Consumer Products. Many of the series' ideas originated in The Intertidal Zone , an unpublished educational comic book Hillenburg created in to teach his students about undersea life. The network's executives wanted SpongeBob to be a child in school, but Hillenburg preferred SpongeBob to be an adult character. The fourteenth season of the main series was announced in March , [9] and premiered in November In September , the show was renewed for a fifteenth season. A Broadway musical based on it opened in to critical acclaim. The series revolves around the title character and an ensemble cast of his aquatic friends. SpongeBob SquarePants is an energetic and optimistic yellow sea sponge who lives in a submerged pineapple. SpongeBob has a childlike enthusiasm for life, which carries over to his job as a fry cook at a fast food restaurant called the Krusty Krab. One of his life's greatest goals is to obtain a boat-driving license from Mrs.

For other uses, see SpongeBob SquarePants disambiguation.


SpongeBob goes to work to find Mr. Krabs taking advantage of global warming. SpongeBob tries to help by causing more global warming. It is an old-style educational film reel and basically acts as a profiler for the various characters. Spongebob's love for shiny things gets him and Sandy into some trouble. SpongeBob and all of Bikini Bottom face catastrophe—until a most unexpected hero rises to take center stage.

Video spongebob

SpongeBob SquarePants is an American animated television series created by marine science educator and animator Stephen Hillenburg that premiered on Nickelodeon as a sneak peek after the Kids' Choice Awards on May 1, , and officially premiered on July 17, It chronicles the adventures of the title character and his aquatic friends in the underwater city of Bikini Bottom. The series received worldwide critical acclaim, and has gained popularity by its second season. As of , the series is the fifth-longest-running American animated series. Its popularity made it a multimedia franchise , the highest rated Nickelodeon series, and the most profitable intellectual property for Paramount Consumer Products. Many of the series' ideas originated in The Intertidal Zone , an unpublished educational comic book Hillenburg created in to teach his students about undersea life. The network's executives wanted SpongeBob to be a child in school, but Hillenburg preferred SpongeBob to be an adult character.

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Barker stated that the show promotes "violent and racist" colonialism , since Bikini Bottom is named after Bikini Atoll, a place where natives were resettled by the US government for nuclear testing. November 11, Greenblatt Aaron Springer. In another interview with Los Angeles Times , he commentated on the show's adult audience: "[On one hand] It's a kind of time machine that transports parents back to when they watched TV in their footie [pajamas]. Push Square. November 25, Retrieved May 27, There's no substitute for the immediacy of drawing on a piece of paper, of course, but digital nautical nonsense is still pretty fun". Dee Bradley Baker Baby Fish voice …. The page bimonthly comic book series, SpongeBob Comics , was announced in November [] and debuted the following February.

Made for Nickelodeon , this show has become immensely popular, leading to a media franchise.

The Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood protested the ad for being sexist and inappropriately sexual, especially considering SpongeBob's fan base includes young children. Shortly after the release of the line, most of the toys sold out on Amazon. As a late recruit to Rocko's Modern Life , he had not established much of a relationship with Hillenburg before SpongeBob ' s conception. October 28, Main article: SpongeBob Comics. Archived from the original on January 24, February 14, Denver Post. He wrote, "Why isn't he [SpongeBob] at least holding a Molotov cocktail? Triple Five Group. Archived from the original on February 4, It held an average national Nielsen rating of 4. Archived from the original on July 14, Retrieved January 6,

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