Who did jared put on the block on big brother

Jared and Cirie have been losing their grip on the house since last week and now everyone Bowie to a lesser extent wants them gone next. After Mecole and Felicia figured out over the weekend that mother and son wanted Felicia out last week, Felicia is now fully against the Fieldses and is willing to win HOH to boot them. Blue told Felicia that she wants to separate her personal and game relationship with Jared, and that the latter is untenable right now.

It is no surprise after their massive argument yesterday that Jared has put Cory and his showmance America on the block today. Before the nomination meeting Jared met Cory in the HoH room. After their falling out and fight yesterday Cory was not surprised to learn that Jared was going to nominate them with Cameron as a backdoor option. Later, Jared met with Cameron. Cameron promised he would keep Jared and Blue safe if Jared keeps him safe. Cameron is the evil asshole who has been lying to everyone. What the f—k?

Who did jared put on the block on big brother

The Big Brother 25 game has the potential to change since the power structure didn't win Head of Household HoH in week 6. The reality TV show has people compete in competitions each week, and then the houseguests vote on someone to evict. The live feeds on early September 12 morning revealed Cameron Hardin learning why his closest ally Red Utley turned on him before his eviction. Will that change out this week plays out? Cameron and Red became close allies in the first weeks of the game. They named themselves The Chillers and had a final two deal. Jared, Cirie Fields , and more came up with the plan to separate them with a lie. Jared told Red that Cameron was willing to be a pawn to take him out of the game. Cameron could tell Red was upset with him and tried to ask why. Red said they needed to "cool it" and refused to confront Cameron about the alleged betrayal. Cameron won the power of veto and used it on himself. Jared replaced him with Jag Bains. Later in the week, houseguests noticed Cameron and Red started to talk again. Cirie pushed to evict Red to keep them separate for good. Cameron and Bowie Jane were the only votes to evict Jag.

End Transmission. Cory Wurtenberger 21, college student could be in a pretty vulnerable spot.

Jared had been in turmoil since Cameron won the veto, trying to decide which of his fellow houseguests should replace Cameron on the chopping block. The Big Brother 25 live feeds have revealed that Jared has nominated Jag for eviction. Jag was evicted by a unanimous vote the previous week, but was saved by Matt Klotz's use of the Power of Invincibility. Jared's mom, Cirie Fields, pushed for Jared to nominate Jag. Since Jared's main target Cameron earned safety by winning the veto, the houseguests realized that evicting Red might not be the best move, especially considering that Cameron and Red's Chillers alliance seems to be over.

For most of Week 6, fans and the house thought Felicia Cannon was getting evicted. But Izzy did too much talking, especially to ally Cory Wurtenberger , which ultimately was her undoing. During the wall competition, Jared Fields hung on for dear life knowing he and his mom Cirie Fields were in danger after losing a lot of their allies in the house. He finally won an HOH competition on his own merit, though. However, showmance couple America Lopez and Cory Wurtenberger flipping the vote got his attention. Speaking of Matt, he also has realized how Jared was using him and apparently taking advantage of his disability according to live feed conversations. But who should his main targets be? Talk on the live feeds had narrowed down who Jared was planning to put on the block for possible eviction.

Who did jared put on the block on big brother

He convinced Cameron Hardin he would be used as a pawn and Red Utley was the target, but Jared actually plans to send the outgoing HOH packing this week. Julie Chen Moonves once again hosts the guilty pleasure series. Their alliance has long been targeting Cam, Red and Bowie so the decision about who to nominate was simple. Will the Veto shake up the game this week? In the diary room, Jared confirms Cam is his main target. The cameras cut to Red crying some more in the bedroom. He really feels betrayed by Cam.

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They keep putting their trust in Jared and he runs straight to momma. With Thursday's double eviction, things could change quickly in the Big Brother house. I picked you because I can trust you. My strategy is to come in and be cool, be calm, be collected. We use vendors that may also process your information to help provide our services. His mom had even remarked she has had to fix his mistakes 25 years. About Us. You can not convince me. Both you guys f--ked me last week. You, me and Cirie. Y'all did me real wrong. He should put Cameron and Cory up on the block. Jared claimed he decided to trust Matt and that's why he never told anyone about his secret power, revealed to people they talked about targeting Jag, or put Matt on the block. The competition was played in three ongoing rounds, with no resets between. Cameron managed to win HOH after the eviction.

Cameron has nine lives in the game of Big Brother, and he is very close to making the BB25 jury at worst. Cameron and Red have been at odds since then, with Red feeling that his partner has turned on him. There is much of that going around, like when Cory pushed his showmance under the bus.

The two will hate setting next to each other. However, keeping Red could also be dangerous for Jared. So, go download it now. Terms of Use. Matt admits to lying but says he doesn't want people to know about his power. Jared feels betrayed and questions Matt's trustworthiness. This could change, though, because not every houseguest is onboard with evicting Jag. Jared nominated Jag for eviction as the replacement nominee. Jared replaced him with Jag Bains. I locked in with you and Cirie. U may not like the way they are playing the game. But it was not racist. Cameron told America Lopez that he left the Legend 25 team after the Red eviction.

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