apex legends pick rate

Apex legends pick rate

Paul Kelly. Published: Apr 12, Knowing the Apex Legends pick rates can apex legends pick rate you at a glance which legends are a must-play, and which have been put firmly in the ground by nerfs. Pick rates are determined by the percentage of players who choose a legend in any of the competitive modes in Apex Legends.

Apex Legends pick rates are an incredibly useful statistic to follow as they help to highlight which characters fall into the current meta - and we've got all of the most popular Legends for Season While popularity can be a helpful metric, it doesn't directly correlate with which Legend is strongest in the game. For the majority of the time, it's better to choose a character you're comfortable using and who fits your personal play style. The data below is collected by Apex Legends Status and is based on the It's worth noting that these percentages do not measure the entire player base, but it's a big enough sample size to gather a general impression of overall Legend popularity. Editor Note: These are the current pick rates as of March 1, Click to enlarge.

Apex legends pick rate


Although the Forward Scout has no abilities that deal damage, his Ultimate is an invaluable rotation tool, and his Tactical provides incredible mobility.


Apex Legends pick rates are an incredibly useful statistic to follow as they help to highlight which characters fall into the current meta - and we've got all of the most popular Legends for Season While popularity can be a helpful metric, it doesn't directly correlate with which Legend is strongest in the game. For the majority of the time, it's better to choose a character you're comfortable using and who fits your personal play style. The data below is collected by Apex Legends Status and is based on the It's worth noting that these percentages do not measure the entire player base, but it's a big enough sample size to gather a general impression of overall Legend popularity.

Apex legends pick rate

Please read the FAQ by clicking here to understand what this data means, and how it should be used. Current season. Q: How is this calculated? This is the same thing for Arenas statistics, but only taking games from the top Apex Predators in Arenas. Q: The number of games it too low! Data is crap! Good catch Sherlock, now go back to question 1 to understand why those numbers are so low. This is only the top players of each platform at the moment, having thousands of games for a legend in a given game mode is already quite nice. Q: Wow, this data is meaningless!

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While popularity can be a helpful metric, it doesn't directly correlate with which Legend is strongest in the game. It's worth noting that these percentages do not measure the entire player base, but it's a big enough sample size to gather a general impression of overall Legend popularity. Pick rates are determined by the percentage of players who choose a legend in any of the competitive modes in Apex Legends. For the majority of the time, it's better to choose a character you're comfortable using and who fits your personal play style. Sign Up. Here are the Apex Legends pick rate rankings for every single character in Season PK's extensive knowledge of video games is matched only by his extensive wardrobe of flannel shirts, which he has been curating since he was born, proving he was always meant to be a games journalist. In Season 20, there's a set of challenges that is encouraging players to use Fuse, so his popularity is being boosted heavily. The Professional Solider's Smoke Tactical is invaluable in gunfights, especially when paired with the Digital Threat optic even with it no longer being available on SMGs. The OG of Apex has pushed herself back into the top five with the Season 20 changes, and it feels like she's been given a new lease of life. Alternatively, be sure to check out our Apex Legends homepage for all of the latest news and guides. He watches an episode of Star Trek every night before bed, and he loves toast, even though it makes him feel a bit sick.

Apex Legends is well-balanced, but it's not perfect.

While awesome for fans of the Explosives Expert, his place at the top isn't exactly down to his spot in the meta if we're honest. There you have the current pick rates in Apex Legends, showing quite the drop off in popularity after the fourth spot in the list, with the bottom five legends seeing barely any play. Alternatively, be sure to check out our Apex Legends homepage for all of the latest news and guides. He watches an episode of Star Trek every night before bed, and he loves toast, even though it makes him feel a bit sick. For countless months Wraith and Octane have battled at the top but now, all of a sudden Fuse has stolen the crown. Pick rates are determined by the percentage of players who choose a legend in any of the competitive modes in Apex Legends. Published: Apr 12, She's undeniably powerful, but there the speedy daredevil remains above her. The data below is collected by Apex Legends Status and is based on the Wraith's kit remains strong in Season 20, providing room for outplays and great rotational tools for squads. His Click to enlarge.

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