caribou kingston photos

Caribou kingston photos

Sophia Petersen, owner of Kodiak Bar in Kingston. Photo: Michelle Kroll. Who is Sophia Petersen? Best recent dining experience: I would probably say it was at Kodiak Bar!

Make Concrete Playground yours with My Playground. Save and share your favourite picks and make plans to go out with friends. Registration is fast and free. Caribou brings a slice of Canada to Canberra. The leafy watering hole in Kingston serves up home-style Canadian comfort food with craft brews. The venue is one big celebration of the warm hospitality and cheeky sense of humour Canadians are known for and, sticking with the theme, there's ice hockey to watch and pool to shoot.

Caribou kingston photos

Welcome to Caribou, eh! We're all about that Canadian hospitality, and we're excited to bring a slice of the Great White North to the leafy suburbs of Canberra. Come on down to our cozy watering hole in Green Square Kingston and get ready to kick back a nd relax. Whether you're a die-hard hockey fan or just looking for a place to unwind, we've got you covered. Shoot some pool, catch the game on our big screens, or simply sit at the front windows and watch the world go by with an ice-cold Canadian beverage in hand. And speaking of beverages, we've got some classic Canadian twists on the menu, alongside home-style comfort food that'll warm your soul. Think poutine, maple syrup, and all the good stuff in between. So, if you're ready to be spoiled with some good old-fashioned hospitality, grab a seat and let us take care of the rest. We're open from That's right - we're the official home of the national champions of the Australia Ice Hockey League!

Submit Please log in or register to comment. Photo: Caribou Kingston, Facebook. Justsaying - I'll keep the response brief as I am sure this is a conversation that could go on all… View.


Welcome to Caribou, eh! We're all about that Canadian hospitality, and we're excited to bring a slice of the Great White North to the leafy suburbs of Canberra. Come on down to our cozy watering hole in Green Square Kingston and get ready to kick back a nd relax. Whether you're a die-hard hockey fan or just looking for a place to unwind, we've got you covered. Shoot some pool, catch the game on our big screens, or simply sit at the front windows and watch the world go by with an ice-cold Canadian beverage in hand. And speaking of beverages, we've got some classic Canadian twists on the menu, alongside home-style comfort food that'll warm your soul. Think poutine, maple syrup, and all the good stuff in between.

Caribou kingston photos

Leeroy Petersen, owner of Caribou bar and restaurant in Kingston. Photo: Supplied. Who is Leeroy Petersen? Best recent dining experience : It was with my wife Sophia and no kids! But the organic gluten-free Macro Wholefoods tzatziki lentil corn chips that I dunk into French onion dip possibly fit the bill. Next big thing: I think there is a huge movement towards healthy, active eating. Not so much vegan or vegetarian, but more balanced, nutritional and wholesome food. Urban Pantry pancakes have a big fanbase, and their savoury breakfasts are a hot commodity too. Biggest culinary influence: Chef, restaurateur and TV presenter Manu Feildel is a great friend and working with him was legendary.

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The Playmaker. No, keep the light rail, we don't need a motorsport facility Yes, scrap light rail and build the facility instead Don't fund either of these wild ideas View Results. We can't wait to see you soon, eh! There are also plenty of tacos and pizzas, plus a few vegan and veggie options, too. I love all the entrees, prawns, ceviche, oysters, and scallops! Trips Kruger Lodge Experience. What day is it? We had a vast range of unique entrees, flatbreads and exquisite desserts, which were washed down with the outstanding Champagne Fleury. This week we have had several; however, a must-try is roast cauliflower, saffron dahl, whipped tofu, tomato powder and watercress. Next big thing in the Canberra food scene: I think shopping local, staying local and supporting local is here to stay. They are so lovely there. My favourite is the chicken lettuce cup tacos but hold the aioli!

Sophia Petersen, owner of Kodiak Bar in Kingston. Photo: Michelle Kroll.

The week we opened. View Results. The government is bringing up, seemingly, never ending list of obstacles and environmental issues… View. What time is it? It was also my birthday, and I had the amazingly talented Ben Sanderson chef put together a wonderful dinner for myself and my friends. Despite all of the hype, the one-month trackless tram trial undertaken in Perth last November to win… View. News 6. Welcome to Caribou, eh! Latest Oldest. Kodiak Bar is open Tuesday to Saturday from 4 pm to late. Photo: Michelle Kroll. Don't have a profile? We're all about that Canadian hospitality, and we're excited to bring a slice of the Great White North to the leafy suburbs of Canberra. Concrete Playground Trips Book unique getaways and adventures dreamed up by our editors. Then again, the… View.

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